Floyd A. Ruggles - Say HI to Ray for me....

Lynn Christofferson Gill-Saatela Ray says Hello! Would love to take you and Linda to lunch...you decide the day. Which restaurant in the area serves the best C-rats?

Floyd A. Ruggles Most any Sunday, Monday or Tuesday works for us. Those are our days off. Don't know about the C-rats but I think we could find something good. Just let us know. Thanks.

Lynn Christofferson Gill-Saatela How about Monday, the 12th? Think of a restaurant you like and we will meet you there...

Floyd A. Ruggles How about Chilis on Beam just off White Bear Ave in Maplewood at 12:30. Let us know if that's ok. Looking forward to see you.

Lynn Christofferson Gill-Saatela That's great!!!
It's on the calendar!
It's on the calendar!

Floyd A. Ruggles Thanks will see you on the 12th....