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Class of '66 - Facebook Index
North High School Class of 1966 Facebook page Index. |
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Floyd A. Ruggles Webmaster |
| North High School Class of 1966
Facebook Page
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Facebook News Feed "North High School Class of 1966 as of February 17th, 2021"
Total Classmates signed up to the Class of 66 Facebook page : 96
North High School Class of 1966
Class of 1966 Seniors Class Officers
Opening Page |
Thanks for stopping by today. Enjoy our website and please revisit often, as additional photos and pages are frequently added! Bookmark it for future reference. Have a great day... |
Website Index |
Louise Mark Moss, Ron Hunter, Terry Tompkins, Dorothy Hinrichs Stevens & Tilman Bergman. |
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Kit Hansen 2016 |
Not all is well in Hansen Land, but it could have been so much worse. I was on the bad end of a pick-up truck / pedestrian collision last Thursday 12/15. The good news is that I did not hit my head, lose consciousness, nor am I paralyzed. Also good: my dear border collie Phoebe was not injured. The bad news is: broken clavicle 3 broken ribs left front 2-3 broken ribs left back (heard conflicting reports) 2 hairline fractures right pelvis (1 anterior, 1 posterior) hairline fracture sacrum olla
Amazingly, I was released from HCMC yesterday 12/18 (a testimony to my overall fitness I dare say). That said, it is an uphill path to full recovery; still lots of pain and limitations in mobility. I am walking with an offset cane. I am particularly concerned with regaining full mobility and strength on my left side. Broken ribs send out loud shouts, as you can imagine.
I am receiving amazing support from Steve (of course) and friends are chomping at the bit to help out.
North High School Class of 1966
Thanks for all the Comments
It is with deep sadness that I report the news of the death of Diane Witherspoon. Diane will be greatly missed by her family & friends and Classmates from the class of '66. We give thanks for Diane's life.
| North High School Class of '66
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Diane Witherspoon: Index |
Diane's Class of '66 Home page - part 1 |
Diane - Part 2 |
Diane - Part 3 |
Diane Witherspoon's Album and Photo Memory Board part 1 |
Diane Witherspoon's Album and Photo Memory Board part 2 |
Diane Witherspoon's Album and Photo Memory Board part 3 |
Memory of
Carol J. (Rucke) Glime
She will be greatly missed by all. I give thanks for Carol's life.
Passed away March 19th, 2022 |
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In Memory of
Stephen "Steven" Sudduth
Stephen "Steve" Sudduth Passed Away 12/11/2021 |
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We give thanks for Steve's life. |
They came this way but once. Yet, they touched our lives in many ways while they were here. We shall remain eternally grateful for their friendship and for the influence each bestowed upon us.
Minneapolis North High School
Class of 1966
Missing Classmates Located on Facebook!
Lee Anderson
Located on Facebook 4/21/16
Michael Fair
Located on Facebook 4/19/16
Linda Ann (Wold) Smith
Located on Facebook 4/19/16
Click Here for Linda's Web Page. |
Linda Ann (Wold) Smith 2016 |
Thomas M. "Tom" DeMars
Located on Facebook 3/2/16
"OK, I finally did it.... posted a picture...a little formal but it's a picture"
Click photo for Tom's Class Webpage.. |
Tom DeMars |
OK,I did it !!!! Facebook friends! I do not like having a large number of friends, in fact... I do not accept some... Others I deleted over time, due to the way they do and some inappropriate comments. I don't have the figures, but the facts ! So I have chosen the best solution. I am happy for you because you are among my best friends... Now I see who will take the time to read this post until the end. Copy the text in your page. I am curious to see who takes care of the friendship that I try to create. Thank you for being a part of my life. Copy and paste, PLEASE DO NOT 'share'. This is a little test, just to see who reads and those who share only without reading ! ... If you have read everything, select 'like' and then copy and paste into your profile, so I can even put a comment smile. To copy just touch the post and when the word copy pops up, touch it and go to your status and tap till it says paste then touch paste. It worked for me! Tom DeMars 10/24/15
Michael Guggenheimer
North High School Class of 1966
Click a photo webpage!
Located on Facebook by Charles "Chuck" Kobow of the Class of 1966
Thanks Chuck "Good Job"
Michael Guggenheimer |
Michael Guggenheimer |
Check out Patti McAnally Webpage... |
Bob and Patti McAnally |
2/24/16 - 6:42pm from Carol Rucke Glime
No I seen I was on the list ! I want to go but our internet connection is so bad here I haven't been able to send my address to Floyd Ruggles .... If you can do it for me that would be great .... (Info Removed by Floyd - Thanks Carol) Or else I'll do it when we get home
Floyd, this is the info from Patti Weber. She's in Texas for the winter.
Located on facebook 2/20/16 |
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Class of '66
Classmates Roster
Webpage Index
Class of '66
Yes you have a web page. Please help me update your page!
Get Involved sent in your Biography & Photos
A biography is a written account of the series of events that make up your life.
Look at it as your Time Capsule.
Ivy L. Quist
Sharon K. White (Dropped from the class website by her request 7/22/2019)
North High School Class of 1966
Floyd A. Ruggles Webmaster |
| North High School Class of 1966
Facebook Page
Facebook |
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Floyd A. Ruggles |
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Today's Photos
from Facebook!
- “When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” by Ansel Adams
- “Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.” by Anonymous
- “A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people.” by Annie Leibovitz
136 Inspirational Photography Quotes in 2023
"A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you."
489 Best Instagram Captions for 2023
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This Website Terms and Condition of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'
Will be at the bottom of most web pages!
Please read it before using this website.
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2207 Queen Ave. North Minneapolis |
Exhibit A - Higbee & Associates, Claim Number: OQ993N
The Wolf Pack
Shared over 5,000 times on Facebook.
Due to a Image Notice on June 20, 2022 - 0490-8428-3228 or OQ993N This photo was removed. Thanks for the Letter(s). |
Exhibit A - Claim No. OQ993N
The Wolf Pack That Won't Go Away
Brian Alward published June 6th, 2017
There is a good chance that you've seen this picture before in your LinkedIn feed. It is generally coupled with a leadership parable -- something about the first three old wolves pacing the pack and an alpha male leading from the rear. Like so many things shared on social media, it's total bullshit and it's not true. Although that shouldn't come as much of a surprise, it's interesting that we often fall into whimsical clickbait traps like this, even in professional forums like LinkedIn.
It says something about our tendency to brush off complicated questions about leadership and instead accept convenient shortcuts, usually without merit.
I specifically remember the first lecture in my MBA program's (mandatory) Managing and Leading Organizations class. The professor started the lecture bluntly, stating that she knew very well that most people in the class would view the coursework and Organizational Behavior material as soft, particularly when compared to more "important" classes like Finance, Strategy and Marketing. And she was almost cryptic with her next comment: people who believe this are gravely mistaken.
Her point was a good one: like anything in business, you are always better off employing a framework, a model or any other available tool when facing a challenge. Don't just wing it! The same students (now business leaders) who skipped that class would go completely ballistic if you were to present a spreadsheet with broken cell references or a formal strategy recommendation based on a hoax. Yet here we are, forwarding pictures of wolves with some text offering a non-sensical approach to leadership.
As leaders of companies and organizations, this problem remains ours to own. We don't have much time, so we skip a formal process toward leadership (explaining why we are going to lead a certain way and showing exactly how it is designed to work and will be measured) and instead offer up abbreviated, age-old examples of what we think is generally accepted for leaders. But errors here are just as impactful as ones in our spreadsheets and they can absolutely crush the productivity of a team or company.
Those wolves in the photo? If you clicked through the link above, you learned that it was likely a female leading the pack (based on her strength and commitment to saving others in the pack precious energy) and that the an "alpha" wolf may in fact be more likely to be on the wolf-equivalent of maternity/paternity leave than being the prominent storyline in a photo like this. That's a bit more complicated than the fake version, and it doesn't fit quite as well into a neat, forward-able post. Kind of like leadership. Click Here for more Info., Click Here, Click Here, Click Here, Click Here or Click Here I can continue creating links all day but as you can see it's all over the internet.
I hate to sound like a broken record, But all the images / photos / exhibits in question by your Law Firm. They're all informational and educational photos with no profit or gain by West St Paul Antiques. Click here for more Info.
Click the photo.... |
Michael Guggenheimer |
I was afraid this would happen.. |
September 23rd, 2016
Minnesota's North Shore
Terry Tompkins Sept. 2016 - North Shore: Grand Portage, Grand Marais and Two Harbors. LOVE Lake Superior! |
Click to enlarge photos...
North High
Class of '66
Robert "Bob" Griffin |
| North High
Class of '66
Entering a new phase of life. Not one I like or even saw coming after battles of the past that seem so much larger. In 2003 I broke my foot and they found the reason I was walking with it was because of rapidly progressing profound neuropathic damage.
It quickly moved up to my knees and elbows. Wife pushing me a wheelchair. Neurologist giving me 6 months max. But God stopped the progression and I learned to walk again and eventually without even a cane.
But damage to the feet mean cutting and therapy and the doc and pt guy said I'm simply walking too much. And with my wife only have 20% lungs, she cannot walk much. So. I'm officially classified as handicapped.
Where crutches can't help. But you all knew that.
September 16th, 2016
from Bill Lee
Five blocks from hotel, where MS&MM is getting prepared for the day. She is partially out of her coma. |
UPS earns their money in Rome. |
Suzanne Lee - Many Socks and Much More Eating Lasagna in Vatican City |
Rome is the capital of Italy and of the Lazio region. With 2.9 million residents in 1,285 km2 (496.1 sq mi), it is also the country's largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. The Metropolitan City of Rome has a population of 4.3 million residents. |
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Lynn Kelman Browder June 10th, 2016 In case you're not seeing the sunset tonight, this is what I'm looking at. |
Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend |
May 17th, 2016 - Class of '66 |
Mother's Day - May 8th, 2016
Jan Mattson Ceminsky - Showing Mom facebook postings on Mother's Day. My brother John, who passed is kidney stone last night and me. |
Mary Hart Bahneman - A favorite old picture of me and the children that have made me the proudest mother on earth! |
Trudy Parks - Remembering my mom on Mother's Day. Mollie Jane Persons Feb. 4, 1916 - Dec. 25, 1994 |
Lila Witherspoon and Diane Witherspoon 2016 "Me and mom" |
Mike Sterling - Ruth Marie Olson Dymoke Sterling, our matriarch-in-chief! 1940's: Downtown Mpls, the Foshay Tower |
Gail Farrand Rager 2016 |
Robert E Griffin - Happy Mother's Day to the mother of my children and still the love of my life. |
2016 - Four generations, three mothers, two grandmothers, one great-grandmother. Happy Mother's Day! |
2016 Happy first Mother's Day to our daughter in law Wanda! God has blessed you with a beautiful son and daughter. May you have a wonderful day. Love you! - Mary Earley Oliver |
Evelyn and Luna May 7th, 2016 |
Steve Pink
My two granddaughters: Evelyn and Luna. — in Manhattan, New York.
April 26th, 2016 Mary Hart Bahneman - Kelly capturing another sunset on on our last evening in our happy place, Clearwater Beach. |
Ernie & Bonita Saice 4/22/2016 |
April 22nd, 2016
Ernie graduated today from his radiation treatments. His pain in his back and neck have finally subsided. His Thrush is getting better and he is hydrated and starting to drink and eat little by little. He sees the radiation oncologist in three weeks to ensure his pain has not returned. HIs oncologist is giving Ernie the pill form of the strong medicine he got in IV form the last three days to keep fighting the thrush. Also, he will discuss further treatment when Ernie begins eating more and getting stronger.
Bonita, The North High Class of 1966 is glad to hear more good news!
God bless...
Gail Farrand Rager
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April 20th, 2016 |
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April 19th, 2016 |
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April 17th, 2016 |
GABE'S BIG MOMENT with Gail Farrand Rager & Wendy Rager Derhaag Twins won 3-2 - A great day!!!! |
April 17th, 2016 |
April 17th, 2016 by Katherine "Kathy" Stebbins (Carol Hoffman's Sister) |
Terry Tompkins - April 16th, 2016 |
Mary Hart-Bahnerman
we shall return!
April 9th, 2016 Sun and palm trees...beautiful day to be off the wheel! |
April 7th, 2016 Another day of easy livin! - Clearwater, FL, United States |
Photos sent in by Mary Hart Bahneman April 3rd, 2016
Frenchy's South Beach Cafe |
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April 3rd, 2016 He was a cool guy with great music taste! |
April 3rd, 2016 Jimmy's sunset with my family! at Jimmy's Fish House & Iguana Bar. Clearwater, FL. |
Ernie & Bonita (Quam) Saice |
March 22, 2016 This is a very difficult post to write, as we received bad news. The cancer in Ernie's lung has grown again, and there is also a large soft tissue mass in his right pelvis toward his hip. This mass is the cause of Ernie's back and hip pain. Not sure what is causing the pain in his neck. The oncologist suggested radiation for his back pain, but that would be every day for 4 to 6 weeks. Ernie wants to go back home to see his own oncologist since he likes and trusts him to determine what type of treatment he needs. Right now he is very weak from being in pain so long, but when he gets a little stronger I will fly him home to stay with Coalee, and fly Paul here to help me pack and drive our car home. Unfortunately, Florida did not get him stronger like last year. He really hasn't been able to do much at all since the kids went home and the cruise was over. He toughed it out until then, but has continued to get weaker each day from pain. Thanks for the prayers. Now we need a miracle!
March 30th, 2016 - Ernie Saice |
Today we finally have some hope in getting Ernie home! Brian and I asked the Doctor yesterday to give him steroids so he could get enough strength to get home. He had been so weak, confused and in pain it didn't look good that he would ever be strong enough to fly home.....but the steroids are working. When Paul and Jeff got here last night he was able to talk with them and get up to go to the bathroom with a walker! He was having problem swallowing so he couldn't have any food or water. He had a test this morning and he can now be on a soft food diet as long as he drinks small sips of liquid with each bite. He hadn't had his brain scan yet, but was able to sit up and have his first meal today! He looks 10,000 times better today than he did yesterday! I think we got out little miracle thanks to all of your prayers and loving thoughts! Keep them coming until we are all home in Minnesota!
Old school, Phyllis Wheatley 1960 basketball team, 11-12 yr. olds. Standing l-r, Terry Williams, Coach Jim(last name?) Dennis Stengal, Terry Sharp, Stephan Majors, Marion Thibodeaux. Kneeling l-r, Rueben Contreras, Lonnie Shaw, Tommy Hansen, Steve Sudduth, Dickie Hansen, Allen Forch, aka Poochie. with Chris Weber, Andrea Jean Majors-Hollin, Tyrone Lowe and 26 others. |
Photo from Patti McAnally 3-25-16 |
Thanks for stopping by today... Click the photo... 3/8/16 |
By Gail Farrand Rager 3/6/2016
Terry & Maria Rice |
Bonita R. "Bonni" Saice |
From Mart Hart Bahneman 13 years ago today I became a grandmother to the first of my three girls. Happy birthday Syd.. with Kelly Amundson Beaudry |
Blaine Elementary
1st Grade Class
Thanks for the photo, Stephan Majors Class of '67
Blaine Elementary, 1st Grade Class @ 12th/3rd St. N. 1955. Mrs. Christophersen. (known future polars; Stephan Majors, standing far right, Dell Ohr, seated-mid 3rd row looking to her right at Roy Daniels.) I left Blaine after 3rd grade so I forgot most of the names/status of most classmates. I remember Dale Olsen standing far left, Arnold to my right, Helen seated far right with bangs, Jennifer Kingsbury, seated 2nd row far left, Colleen standing far left, Ronnie Ruggles seated 2nd row partially obscured far left, and Sandra ?, seated 3rd from left 1st row. Alton Jenkins seated, far right, Mpls Central '67. Albert Townsend, seated-middle front row. |
This Photo is from the Class of 1967 Year Book.
Thanks to James Mattox from Class of 67
for the use of his yearbook.
Daryl Lynn, Frank Holley, Steve Sudduth & Jerrall Guy |
3/2/2016 Had a great day with Tom and Cathy at the AZ Desert Museum. The desert is starting to bloom with color beautiful! Photo sent in by Mary Earley Oliver, Thanks for the photo Mary.... |
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