| North High School Class of 1966
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Click to Listen To The Music! "Aakon Jor performed" by Snatam Kaur
Sent to Myron: |
July 25th, 2011 3:32AM
Morris Keaton of Blessed Memory
Yes, Morris was such a fine guy. He like me to call him Moshe, the Hebrew name of Moses. His name was one that I often Googled to try to in touch. A sensitive young man (we were only boys back then at North, weren't we) with a wonderful sense of humor A friend. May his memory be blessed.
~ ~ Myon
Myron Joshua Kibbutz Kfar Etzion 90912 Israel
Contact Info
M y r o n
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It is so great to hear from you. I have posted your tribute to Morris on his page. So nice of you to remember him. I remember him fondly also. At least 57 other clasmates have passed away. I try to keep the website updated on those as well as anyone else I hear from.. I have an old newspaper clipping about you but would like any current information you would like to share. Please keep in touch via the website. I will be updating it going forward so we can all keep in touch. Thanks.
Class of '66 Get Involved sent in your Biography & Photos A biography is a written account of the series of events that make up your life. Look at it as your Time Capsule. |
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March 5, 1948 |
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Kibbutz Kfar Etzion - Aug 1971 to present The Field School is located in the center of Kibbutz Kfar Etzion in the Judean Hills, on a hill that is a national water divide, some 20 km. south of Jerusalem. The field trip area reaches across the entire Judean region mountain, valley and desert including the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings. Tour routes extend from Jerusalem and Wadi Kelt in the north to the Arad valley in the south, and from the Judean Plain in the west to the Dead Sea valley in the east.
Yes Click Here |
University of Chicago - Liberal arts
CUNY Queens College - Class of 1971 · Art & Art History
Started Working at Kibbutz Kfar Etzion
Graduated from CUNY Queens College
Started School at CUNY Queens College
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Myron Joshua |
Kibbutz Kfar Etzion - Field School |
Israeli residents of Kfar Etzion,Myron Joshua and Judith Margolis, with participant Karrie Brothers.
Myron Joshua's page |
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Invisible Arabs: In gush etzion a few hundred Palestinians have NO buildling rights. This article decrying the situation was written for the regional magazine in March of 2010. (the situation is the same today..and the needs of course are greater... An English translation can be found at the link Click the photo... |
I am standing between my brothers and in front of Rabbi Moshe Feller of Chabad/Lubavitch Minneapolis, Minnesota. This was photographed in 1958 and published in the Minneapolis Star newspaper as a way of publicly spreading the light of Hanukkah. |
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