(from left to right) Puff, Mindi, Nancy and Conrad ~ Thanks for stopping by! |
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On Jun 29, 2011, at 4:59 AM, floydruggles wrote:
Hi Nancy,
I'm sending you Info on the class of 1966 45th reunion. Will be in the mail on Wed. 6/29/11 the class website is at:
http:// www.weststpaulantiques.com/nhs66.html
Have a good day,
from Nancy: |
Floyd -- I am really impressed by your website and your effort to reach as many people in the North High School class of 1966. I was amazed that you were able to download as many of my profile pictures from facebook. My settings had at one time indicated that most would be seen by firends of friends and one picture would be seen by the public. I guess the privacy settings that facebook has changed are a little confusing. Since our class was so large, 615, I would think that more people would be signed up and not so many missing. Some people like Mike Hilt -- I believe he was killed in action in VietNam and he is not even mentioned. Perhaps because this was made known years ago, but I don't know. Sue Martinson passed away when she was 55 years old and I don't see her on the website either. Mary Robinson -- I don't see her picture anywhere and I know where she is. It seems that being such a large class to begin with made it so that even if we knew many people, it wasn't that many.
Anyway, how did you get so many of my facebook pictures? Only one profile photo was supposed to be available (visible) to someone googling me on facebook, at least that is what was indicated to me.
Thanks for e-mailing the website, but gosh, I can see my website information being available to the public, but it was a surprise that you had so many of my facebook pictures!!
Anyway, perhaps you can explain how that happened as I thought I had it set differently. I am on the internet quite a bit and still don't understand everything about facebook.
All the best,
Nancy Kasner
Email sent on June 30th, 2011
I don't know why i was able to get all your info from Facebook. I just went on like I usually do and it came up. You might want to check with them. Did you like the page I created for you? Mike Hilt is featured in the list of deceased. This is the direct link to his page. http:// www.weststpaulantiques.com/obituaryrichardhilt.html
Hi Floyd -- thanks for doing this wonderful website. I will have to check my settings on facebook as not all of the profile pictures should have shown up -- perhaps because I don't log out all of the time they are visible to those while I am logged in. All of the pictures are recent within the last year with the exception of the Wild Wild West picture, which was taken awhile ago (years). As you can see, I don't have children, but West Highland White Terriers instead.
I would like to make it to the reunion and will be on vacation in northern Minnesota the first two weeks in August. I would like to have Jim (gentleman in the photos) attend with me but don't know that he will be able to come with. It will be much more enjoyable with him and I am sure he would like to attend with me. What is the absolute deadline for registration?
Nancy Kasner
N a n c y
| | Hi Nancy,
We need to have a final count to the hotel by August 20 so as soon as possible before that would be great. Hope to see both of you.
Floyd -- I love the page you have created for me, but do you think it is too much? Is your phone number available or are you just available through the webmaster and e-mail? I will give you my phone number
Email sent on July 1st, 2011
I don't think it's too much. I am hoping it will inspire other graduates to share their information so we can have a website that really is complete. You can call any time.....
from Nancy: |
Floyd -- just wanted you to know that I think the page you created for me is really great -- you even have the little animated Westie dog running back and forth that I placed on my website.
The internet has made the world quite a bit smaller in many ways and easier to get in touch with people.
Thanks for all of your effort in doing the website. After more exploring I see that Mike Hilt and Sue Martinson are on the "In memory of our fallen classmates" page http:// www.weststpaulantiques.com/classmatesmemoryindex.html.
Thanks again.
from Nancy: |
July 9th, 2011
Floyd -- could you make the hyperlink on my picture on the "you found me" page go to my biography instead of just a larger picture of my graduation picture from north high?? I would really appreciate it. The page I am talking about is on http://www.. weststpaulantiques.com/lostclassmates5.html where you have about 4 smaller pictures all in a row. I think it would be easier for people to see my information then.
Thanks much. Loved the page on your daughter and the "beagles" and your placing picture of the West Highland White Terrier and the hyperlink to my biography there.
Hope all is well with you and your family.
All the best,
Nancy Kasner
Email sent on July 10th, 2011
N a n c y
| | I have updated the website with the revised link. Glad you liked our beagles. They are very sweet.
If you see any changes or corrections that need to be made just let me know. It's getting harder to keep up as the site has gotten so big.
from Nancy: |
September 10th, 2011 (1st E-Mail)
Hi Floyd,
If you haven't received this information yet, ......
I know that Rosemary Rozycki-Guntzel helped you get in touch with Myra for your website, and I had sent Myra an e-mail about 3 weeks ago saying hello again and that "we had been found" and also suggested that we friend each other on facebook. She responded to the e-mail and we became friends on facebook. I was looking forward to communicating again with her, but as you can see from the link below this will not be possible. For some reason I googled her name this past week and her obituary came up. She passed away on Sunday, September 4, 2011 while in the pulpit.
Perhaps you would like to add this link below the information that Rosemary and Myra provided in July or update the website accordingly. Your current links are below:
Also, do you have the contact information for Rosemary Rozycki-Guntzel. I would like to get in touch with her as she and I double-dated at the Senior Prom at North High and also she may be able to update me on information she may know about Myra over the years.
It seems that quite a few people have passed on either right before the reunion and now at least one just soon after. According to the above site, she had had a history of heart problems.
My number if (#Removed) and I have both of your numbers and one of these days will speak to you in person. Seems like when I get around to thinking about calling you, it is after 10:00 pm and unless I know someone is a night person like myself, I don't call after 10:00 pm.
Anyway, sad news, but thought you would like the update.
All the best,
Nancy Kasner
September 10th, 2011 (2nd E-Mail)
Floyd -- on the link below click on "Pastor Myra" at the top of the webpage and it will get you to the page I think has the best information on her. Picture looks more like her too.
Called Nancy |
I had a pleasant conversation with Nancy Kasner today. (September 10th, 2011 3pm) Enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Thanks Nancy for the update on Myra Carroll-Pezzela. Hopefully we will see Nancy at the 50th Reunion or some other time soon.
Take care Nancy |
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Class of 1972 · Art History Major · Pyschology Minor · Journalism Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL
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Nancy A. Kasner (Nan) has been interested in art and photography most of her life. She graduated from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History. She went on to be a medical editor for medical journals and associations to make a living. Limited primarily to the written word was a bit stifling for her. As Nancy has said “I am a visual person by nature.” for more Info Click Here
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