Hilaire Belloc |
Ambrose Bierce |
Francis Beaumont |
Because My Faltering Feet Because my faltering feet may fail to dare The first descendant of the steps of Hell Give me the Word in time that triumphs there. I too must pass into the misty hollow Where all our living laughter stops: and hark! The tiny stuffless voices of the dark Have called me, called me, till I needs must follow: Give me the Word and I'll attempt it well.
Say it's the little winking of an eye Which in that issue is uncurtained quite; A little sleep that helpsa moment by Between the thin dawn and the large daylight. Ah! tell me more than yet was hoped of men; Swear that's true now, and I'll believe it then.
Hilaire Belloc
A Sonnet Flattering Hope, away and leave me, She'll not come, thou dost deceive me; Hark the cock crows, th' envious light Chides away the silent night; Yet she comes not, oh ! how I tire Betwixt cold fear and hot desire.
Here alone enforced to tarry While the tedious minutes marry, And get hours, those days and years, Which I count with sighs and fears Yet she comes not, oh! how I tire Betwixt cold fear and hot desire.
Restless thoughts a while remove Unto the bosom of my love, Let her languish in my pain, Fear and hope, and fear again; Then let her tell me, in love's fire, What torment's like unto desire?
Endless wishing, tedious longing, Hopes and fears together thronging; Rich in dreams, yet poor in waking, Let her be in such a taking: Then let her tell me in love's fire, What torment's like unto desire?
Come then, Love, prevent day's eyeing, My desire would fain be dying: Smother me with breathless kisses, Let me dream no more of blisses; But tell me, which is in Love's fire Best, to enjoy, or to desire?
Francis Beaumont
Thou shalt no God but me adore: 'Twere too expensive to have more.
No images nor idols make For Roger Ingersoll to break.
Take not God's name in vain: select A time when it will have effect.
Work not on Sabbath days at all, But go to see the teams play ball.
Honor thy parents. That creates For life insurance lower rates.
Kill not, abet not those who kill; Thou shalt not pay thy butcher's bill.
Kiss not thy neighbor's wife, unless Thine own thy neighbor doth caress.
Don't steal; thou'lt never thus compete Successfully in business. Cheat.
Bear not false witness--that is low-- But "hear 'tis rumored so and so."
Covet thou naught that thou hast got By hook or crook, or somehow, got.
Ambrose Bierce
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