Important Message
This Website Terms and Condition of Use Agreement
also known as a 'terms of service agreement'
Will be at the bottom of most web pages!
Please read it before using this website.
Thank You
Dan Grise |
Tamarak August 26th, 2016 (Music begins at 8:30pm) Class of '66 Reunion Weekend |
David Millett |
Allen Lerold |
| An Open Invitation for all interested parties to meet at the
Richfield American Legion Post 435
6501 Portland Avenue South, Richfield, Mn
For the American Legion Web Site. You will enjoy the music of Tamarak! Click Here
for more on NHS Class of '66 Reunion Weekend
Curt Jones |
To Our 50th Reunion Banquet |
| |
50th Reunion Committee
~ Reunion Date and Location to be Determined, in 2016 ~
HAVE YOU MOVED? ARE YOU MOVING? PLEASE KEEP US INFORMED. Do you know of someone else who has moved?
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Ideas for the 50th reunion? Please share your thoughts on past reunions, the web site itself, or anything relevant that comes to mind. We welcome all of your constructive comments and suggestions.
Webmaster |
Tell us how to get in touch with you: Be sure to identify yourself, otherwise we don't know who sent the message. Thank You.
Might you have photos or memorabilia that you would like to see on our web site?
1. Childhood photos from school, birthday parties, 6th grade (or other grades) class photo, confirmation, etc.? 2. Reunion photos from the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th and 45th reunions? 3. Personal photos relevant to posting on our site? 4. Historical data? 5. Military information? 6. Sports or Clubs at North? 7. Humorous moments at NHS or interesting happenings from those days? 8. Other relevant information?
Down the Road at our 70th Class Reunion |
Do you know of someone who has photos we might display?:
Process: You may email digital or analog photos to me or send your items via U.S. Mail. Burning your photos to a CD and mailing it to me works well also.
I will scan your photos and promptly return them to you.
I ask that you clearly label the photos or submit an accompanying sheet that provides the necessary information. Identify the people from left to right and designate the row (Back:, Front:, Row 1:, Row 2, etc.) in which they are located, also the place where the photo was taken and the date/year (if known) plus any other relevant data.
Kindly provide an appropriately-sized envelope with current postage for returning the photos to you. Please support your photos with cardboard or other suitable material. I cannot accept responsibility, however, if anything is lost or damaged in the mail. It is unlikely that this would occur, but I need to provide this disclaimer.
Be sure to include your name, address, email address, or phone to ensure your items are properly identified.
Please email me for my postal address or Click Here to contact us. Lastly, to protect against the spread of computer viruses, remember to regularly update your anti virus software.
Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.
The Class of 1966 will celebrate 50 years since graduating from North High School. It's hard to imagine that time has flown by so quickly. You will definitely want to attend the 50th Reunion in 2016.
The reunion planning committee will begun to meet ln a year or two. To discuss preliminary plans, and we shall keep you informed as these develop and become finalized. Please revisit this class website from time to time to receive the most current information.
What a great opportunity to catch up on the past many years. It's a reunion you don't want to miss!
How would YOU like to celebrate your 50th Reunion? Let us know of any specific activities you think people would enjoy!
Did you remember to sign our Guest Book
Please take a moment to let us know you were here. We invite you to revisit this web site often. Need help navigating this site? Just email the
We enjoyed seeing you at the 45th Reunion! Don't miss out on the 50th!
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Webmaster |
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also known as a 'terms of service agreement'
By using this website, West Saint Paul Antiques . Com, you are agreeing to use the site according to and in agreement with the above and following terms of use without limitation or qualification. If you do not agree, then you must refain from using the site.
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Said Terms of Use may be revised and/or updated at any time by posting of the changes on this page of the website. Your continued usage of the website, or the facebook site(s) after any changes to the Terms of Use will mean that you have accepted the changes. Also, any these sites themselves may be changed, supplemented, deleted, and/or updated at my sole discretion without notice; this establishes intellectual property rights by owner (myself).
It saddens me to include a Terms of Use for West Saint Paul Antiques . Com, but we all realize it is something that is necessary and must be done these days. By using the website, or facebook for West Saint Paul Antiques, you represent that you are of legal age and that you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use and any subsequent modifications. Your use of the West Saint Paul Antiques sites signify your electronic acceptance of the Terms of Use and constitute your signature to same as if you had actually signed an agreement embodying the terms.