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Ballad of Johnny O'Dell
Wild are the tales of the Pony Express And most of them are true if I don't miss my guess. But wildest of all tales that they tell Is that of fearless young Johnny O'Dell.
Johnny was little, but he was a man Whom none could outride, outshoot or outplan. Ride, he could ride anything that could run And could outdo any man with a gun.
Back in those days there were men in the West And Johnny O'Dell was as good as the best. Only the bravest could carry the mail Through terrible dangers that haunted the trail.
Dangers there were on the night I describe, For Johnny encountered an Indian tribe. Blackie, his horse, gave a new burst of speed. No Indian pinto could equal that steed.
Bullets and arrows whizzed over his head As into the foe and right through them he sped. Outlaws had raided the station ahead The horses were stolen, his partner was dead.
Onward went Johnny over the trail. For such was the life when you carry the mail Rivers they forded for bridges there were none While crossing one stream he was stopped by a gun.
"Halt!" cried a man on the bank of the creek- As together they fired by the light of the sun. Still lay the stranger whom Johnny had met, For all that I know he is lying there yet.
Onward went Johnny into the West, As a spot of crimson appeared on his vest. Together they continued their hazardous ride, The powerful horse with the brave man astride.
Into the town of Red Gulch did they go, As blotches of blood marked their way through the snow. This was the end of the perilous trail Through bullets, and arrows; through blizzards and hail.
Johnny dismounted and cried with a wail, "Oh, Darn it all, I've forgotten the mail!"
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The Ghost of The Bloody Finger
"Be sure to make the ghost’s voice very mysterious and spooky.
Have him get louder and louder and scarier and scarier as the story progresses."
The story
In a small town not far from here, there was an old abandoned house. No one ever went near it because everyone said that it was haunted.
One day, a bunch of local people were sitting in a coffee shop, chatting about bravery.
One man in particular was bragging loudly. “I’m not afraid of anything!” he boasted.
“Oh yeah?” asked his buddy. “I’ll bet that you aren’t brave enough to spend a night alone in that old abandoned house!” The boaster didn’t want to admit that he was afraid, so he agreed to sleep in the house that very night.
At dusk, he arrived at the house alone. He checked every room and found nothing unusual. He chose an upstairs bedroom, spread out his sleeping bag on the floor, and tried to sleep.
He had just dozed off when he heard a faint noise from downstairs. He strained to hear what it was. It sounded like someone moaning these words:
“I am the ghost of the bloody finger! I am in the front hall!”
The man told himself that he was just imagining things. It must be the wind, he thought.
But then he heard, a bit louder,
“I am the ghost of the bloody finger! I am at the bottom of the stairs!”
“My imagination is running wild!” thought the man. “I am just going to go to sleep, and soon it will be morning.”
But then he heard, even louder,
“I am the ghost of the bloody finger! I am at the top of the stairs!”
The man dove inside his sleeping bag, but he could still hear the ghost coming closer.
“I am the ghost of the bloody finger! I am in the upstairs hall!”
The man hid his head under his pillow, but he could hear the ghost coming even closer.
“I am the ghost of the bloody finger! I am at the bedroom door!”
The man was shaking with terror. The door creaked open.
“I am the ghost of the bloody finger! I am in the bedroom!”
The ghost paused in the doorway.
“I am the ghost of the bloody finger!” (pause) “Do you have a bandaid?”
Rap, Rap, Rap
Here's another classic scary and funny ghost story. Be sure to make your voice very mysterious when you say the last sentence. Pause dramatically before revealing the last words.
The story
There was once a woman who inherited an old house. The neighbors told her that it was haunted, but she didn’t believe them.
When she inspected the house, she was delighted to see that it was completely furnished. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, and she moved right in.
On her first night in the house, she got into bed happily. She was just drifting off to sleep when she heard an odd sound, way off in the distance. It sounded like this: “Rap, rap, rap.”
She tried to ignore the sound, but she couldn’t. Finally she decided to get out of bed and investigate.
When she opened her bedroom door, the sound was louder: “Rap, rap, rap”.
She walked down the hallway. The sound got louder: “Rap, rap, rap”.
She headed downstairs. Now it was even louder! “Rap, rap, rap.”
She went into the dining room. It was so loud! “Rap, rap, rap.”
The sound seemed to be coming from a corner of the room. She walked in that direction. “Rap, rap, rap.”
There was a chest of drawers in the corner. The sound was overwhelming now.“Rap, rap, rap.”
She opened the top drawer. There was nothing there.
“Rap, rap, rap.”
She opened the second drawer. There was nothing there.
“Rap, rap, rap.”
She opened the third drawer. There was nothing there.
“Rap, rap, rap.”
She opened the bottom drawer - and saw ……… a roll of wrapping paper!
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Mike Wassing |
He will be greatly missed by his family & friends.
We give thanks for Mike's life.
RIP Mike |
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