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Interested in selling furniture, antiques or collectibles on consignment with West St Paul Antiques? Review the details below to start selling today!
Furniture Condition
We sell furniture that meets the following criteria:
- From high-quality manufacturers of furniture, accessories, art, or rugs.
- Current in style, design, and color.
- Generally, furniture pieces that are of higher quality, current style, and color will sell on consignment for up to 70 - 80 percent of the book prices.
- Clean and in excellent overall condition.
- From a smoke-free environment.
- Free of pet hair and/or odors.
Approval Process
If you have accessories or smaller furniture pieces, you may bring them to our antique store during regular business hours for evaluation. The preferred method is for photos to be sent to us by email. There is no guarantee of approval.
- Large furniture pieces must be approved before delivery to our antique mall. If email is not available to you, you may bring a photo of your items to the mall for approval. The email address for approving consignments is:
- Photographs may also be mailed to us at: 880 Smith Avenue South, West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55118
- Sorry, photos mailed the above address will not be returned.
- After approving your pieces for consignment, we will contact you to schedule a mover to pick up your furniture, if needed. Your pieces will be delivered to our showroom for display. The fee for this service is based on location, size, and number of items to be moved.
- Our commission for selling your items is 40 percent of the selling price.
- Items are subject to markdowns and special promotions, and the selling price is to be determined by
- West St Paul Antiques.
- The consignment period is for 6 months. If any of your items have not sold after this time, you will be given the option to reclaim your items or donate the merchandise to a charity of our choice. If you choose to reclaim your pieces, it must be done so within one week of consignment expiration or it will become the property of West St Paul Antiques. Picking up merchandise will be the responsibility of the consignor.
Next Step…
- If interested in consigning with West St Paul Antiques, please pick up a Consignor Agreement from our store or down load it from this page.
Why shop consignment
The prices, of course! Resale shopping is a bit like a treasure hunt. Walk into West St Paul Antiques, and you never know what you may find.
Interested in selling
Get details about consigning your items on this page or by stopping in to our Mall in West St Paul.
Don’t Let Strangers into Your Home – Sell Your Furniture the Consignment WayDecember 22nd, 2008
Classified ads can be a great way to get rid of unwanted items, but this method of selling can have its drawbacks as well. Whether you post your items for sale on the bulletin board at the local supermarket, in the local newspaper or on the Internet, selling used furniture and other items in this manner requires that you let strangers into your home. While most people are simply looking for a great deal, others may have darker purposes in mind. We may not like to think about it, there are criminals in the world, and some of the people who reply to classified ads are in fact looking for a way to steal the things they want. For this reason and many others, some people have grown reluctant to allow strangers into their homes.
Of course this reluctance can make it difficult to sell used furniture and other unwanted items. While smaller items can easily be sold online and shipped to buyers around the country or even around the world, large items like furniture cannot be so easily disposed of. Large and bulky items cannot easily be shipped, so homeowners will need to find another way to get the greatest value from them.
One of the best ways to get the best value from used furniture is to place it at a local consignment store that specializes in this type of merchandise. There are many fine consignment stores that cater to homeowners who are searching for fine home furnishings at a great price, and these stores are the perfect place to sell unwanted furniture.
So if you are looking for a way to get value out of your old furniture you may want to give your local fine furniture consignment store a call. Consigning furniture at such a venue is generally quite easy and straightforward. You simply place your furniture at the store, set a price with the store owner and wait. When the furniture sells you get a check and the buyer gets a great piece of furniture for a fraction of the cost of buying new. And best of all you never have to let a stranger into your home.
| Ten Great Reasons for Selling Your Used Furniture at Roost Consignment GalleryDecember 22nd, 2008
Are you thinking about giving your home a new look, but wonder what you should do with your old furniture? Do you plan to furnish your home with a limited budget? Whether you are in a position to sell or buy furniture, a good place to start would be the consignment stores. Please consider the following ten reasons for your trading needs:
1. Consignment stores offer a fair market place for used furniture exchange between the individual sellers and individual buyers. 2. The storefronts attract purpose-driven foot traffic in convenient locations and give the sellers’ goods wide exposure through their advertisement. 3. Your item for sale can look more attractive in a staged setting such as a lamp placed on top of an antique table. The consignment store may also carry its own insurance against damage or theft. 4. When you choose a good consignment arrangement with a reputable store, it is a quick and worry-free way to turn your unneeded furniture into cash. 5. If your furniture does not sell after 90 days even at reduced prices, you can pick it up or choose to give it to charity through the store. The consignment store owners will be happy to give you a receipt for your donations. 6. Some of the consignment stores are operated by charity organizations. The profits made from such sales will benefit the hurting children, the poor, the sick, or the elderly. When you sell your furniture through these stores, usually you will not only receive half of the sales price, but also get tax credit for the other half of the value which is considered a donation. 7. As a natural resource, millions of trees are being chopped down in the US and in forests around the world every year just to make wood furniture. By recycling gently used furniture through consignment stores, these precious forests will be saved. 8. Gently used furniture needs zero to minimum processing in order to be used again. It conserves material and energy while contributing to a greener and healthier environment. 9. By actively acquiring and displaying finer pieces of artwork and well-made furniture from old estates and selling these furnishings to customers who appreciate them, the consignment store owners serve to preserve an important aspect of the culture and provide a sense of continuity in the life of the society. 10. Rich or poor, people are always looking for valuable goods at a bargain price!
Through consignment stores sellers can turn their gently used furniture into cash; buyers can find what they need for their homes. From plain to palatial, useful furnishings in affordable luxury flow through these stores with style and speed without making a dent on the health of our global environment.
Mall's hand out Consignment Information |
Consigning Your Antiques and collectibles
PLEASE NOTE: We must be in physical possession of consignment items in order to effectively market and avoid misrepresentation.
Consignment Terms: Our commission is 40% of the selling price at or under $100,000.00 and 25% of the selling price at $100,001.00 and over. Consignors are paid within 30 days after their goods are sold. We structure competitive commission rates for items we place at auction, which are different for each estate and are calculated by the value of the merchandise, the work involved and marketing costs.
Marketing: Our busy retail shop was established in 1997. Our mailing list grows each year; and we send out direct mailings twice yearly. Our web site is very active, with over 200 entries in 10 categories and will always shows up in the top Hundred results for antique or antiques in internet search engines around the world. Nearly all new acquisitions are added to the site for worldwide exposure, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our web site will averages 50,000 unique (individual) visitors per month.
General Information: We have been buying and selling antiques of every description for over 14 years. Our personal reference library numbers over 1000 volumes. Our professional network includes experts in every specialty. We keep abreast of auction results and market trends affecting antique values all over the world. We have sold Hundreds of Thousands of dollars worth of antiques over 17 years through our Mall and we will be selling thousands from our website, throughout our 14 years in business,in nearly every category, including but not limited to: American and European furniture from Renaissance through Art Nouveau, fine art (paintings, sculpture, prints), vintage/designer jewelry, American, English and French silver (especially Tiffany, Cartier and Jensen) American, European and Asian ceramics (porcelain, china, ironstone, pottery), cloisonne, netsukes, blown and cut glass, toys, tin and glass plate photographs, marine/nautical items, and 20th century period furniture such as Art Deco, Arts & Crafts, and Mid-Century Modern. The following 20th century names may be of particular value: Stickley, Roycroft, Limbert, Frank Lloyd Wright, Nakashima, Eames, Herman Miller, Plycraft, Rookwood, Fulper, Grueby, Teco, and William Spratling. We have a long association with auction houses and auctioneers both inside and outside Minnesota. We will either place your item where we feel it will bring the highest return. If you have an entire estate, we can arrange an estate auction for you, incorporating packing, moving, advertising and cleanup.Please feel free to call us at 651-451-0398, if you have questions or need references. Or, you may email us at
- Take CLEAR 35mm photographs of all sides of the item along with close-ups of details, marks, signatures, and any damage or repairs.
- Note the measurements of the item and the price you wish to realize for it.
- Mail the packet to: West Saint Paul Antiques 880 Smith Avenue South
- West Saint Paul, MN 55118
Please allow 2 weeks after time of receipt for response.
- OR -
- Take CLEAR digital photographs of all sides of the item along with close-ups of details, marks, signatures, and any damage or repairs.
- Note the measurements of the item and the price you wish to realize for it.
- Email .JPG files (digital files), compressed to 75K or 150K each, along with detailed information to:
Please allow 2 weeks for a response.
- OR -
If you wish to bring an item to our Mall, please email us, or call 651-451-0398 to make an appointment.
Please Note: We do not give free advice, values, or appraissals over the telephone and we make NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are interested in an appraisal, please contact us, by email.
Quality consignment wanted inquire today. (651) 451-0398
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