Welcome The success of West Saint Paul Antiques is founded on dealing in traditional antique furniture and collectibles in fine, original condition, at sensible prices. Our dedicated buying philosophy and attention to detail is appreciated by private clients and collectors furnishing their homes with good affordable pieces, together with interior designers and dealers worldwide scouring for quality antiques and collectibles.
Floyd and Linda Ruggles Established West St Paul Antiques ____April 22nd, 1998____ __Online April 22nd, 2009__ |
Click to Listen To The Music! "I heard it through the grapevine"
North High School Class of 1966
57th Reunion
More Information Coming Soon
This is one you don't want to miss!
West St Paul Antiques & North High Class of '66
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 - 2023
Comments |
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The Class of 1966 will celebrate 50 years since graduating from North High School. It's hard to imagine that time has flown by so quickly. You will definitely want to attend the 50th Reunion on August 26th & 27th, 2016.
Date |
January 22, 2015 |
Name |
Rhoda Gelman |
Email |
rhodag4@gmail.com |
City |
Seaside |
State |
Oregon |
Country |
Comments |
January 22,2015 It has been a delight searching through your beautiful and amazing site. My Interest is Vintage and Antiques and my Passion is Hummingbirds and Eagles. Thank you for your hummingbird recipe. Is it possible for me to purchase one of the hummingbird photographs and or prints? I will save your site for the future. Rhoda Gelman
Date |
January 18, 2015 |
Name |
Janet Mattson Ceminsky |
Email |
jceminsky@msn.com |
City |
Coon Rapids |
State |
Mn |
Country |
Comments |
Looking forward to the 50th. Sorry I missed the 45th
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I love antique dishes...I have a purple set of creosus cream,sugar,butter dish and tooth pick holder...I love it
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So happy I found your website, I am very intrigued and thank you for putting for your efforts to launch it and keep it going. Definitely will be contacting you for an appointment.
Date |
July 31, 2014 |
Name |
louise napolitano |
Email |
louise@ptd.net |
City |
reeders |
State |
pennsylvania |
Country |
usa |
Comments |
Very beautiful and informative web site. I enjoy going through it. Thank you. Louise Napolitano
Date |
July 26, 2014 |
Name |
wolfwagner |
Email |
City |
State |
Country |
Comments |
I've had the occasion to buy Chinese made furniture twice recently from this shop in Shanghai China. The first was a dining table with six chairs. The second was two bedside tables of elm whitewood, unfinished. Both products appear to be of good quality, good materials, and at prices no Australian manufacturer could hope to compete. What struck me about the beside tables, in particular, was the quality and sturdiness of their construction. Solid wood throughout, reinforced corners. They were also meticulously packed away in cardboard cartons ¨C fully assembled ¨C and well sanded. In the past I have bought a number of pieces of Australian made whitewood furniture, and the construction was nearly always substandard, with numerous corners cut (metaphorically speaking!). I used to spend ages reinforcing these items, sanding and finishing. Only then did I get a reasonable bit of furniture.The difference between good and bad furniture was often the effort that is put into sanding and finishing. On the other hand, I recently ask easternc.
Date |
July 20, 2014 |
Name |
Marsh Edelstein |
Email |
marsh@marshproductions.com |
City |
3921 Sunset Blvd, St. Louis Park |
State |
Minnesota |
Country |
Comments |
North High School The 'BEST'
Comments |
I am so sorry missed the last few reunions and will certainly not miss the 50th.
Date |
April 27, 2014 |
Name |
John Hoefs |
Email |
City |
State |
Country |
Comments |
Enjoyed the North Side photos at website . . . I lived near St. Phillip's on 26th and Bryant . . . and man, those were the days!
Date |
December 27, 2013 |
Name |
harvey frank |
Email |
harvfrank@aol.com |
City |
scandia |
State |
Mn |
Country |
Comments |
Thanks for keeping up the website, just semiretired and working part time in urgent care.
Date |
November 17, 2013 |
Name |
Donna Rusgrove |
Email |
drusgrove@comcast.net |
City |
Burlington |
State |
CT |
Country |
Comments |
love your website
Date |
November 6, 2013 |
Name |
Cassandra - Treasury Antiques |
Email |
Treasantiques@aol.com |
City |
Vero Beach |
State |
FL |
Country |
Comments |
Beautiful site! Always looking to buy Nippon. If that dealer still has any left, I'd be interested in what she has if you can send photo's? We buy Nippon, Limoges, Shelley, etc. We deal mainly in high end porcelain here. Thx!!
Home Page: www.treasuryantiques.org
Comments |
I was born in 1965. The Vietnam War marked many lives. The memories that I have seen here on their website showed me the reality of these heroes. May they find peace and who their families God's consolation.
Date |
September 19, 2013 |
Name |
gerry mines |
Email |
gerrymines@fastmail.fm |
City |
london |
State |
ontario |
Country |
canada |
Comments |
I also have a complete set of the 1992 elvis river cards 660 cards. thought they would be worth something by now.
Date |
July 22, 2013 |
Name |
Bill Houston |
Email |
whouston56@fuse.net |
City |
Cincinnati |
State |
OH |
Country |
Comments |
Will stop there in June when I come up for a visit.
Date |
January 23, 2013 |
Name |
Mary Rivers Smith |
Email |
teensy51@yahoo.com |
City |
Minneapolis |
State |
Minnesota |
Country |
Comments |
Even its been over a year since the reunion I am so glad you guys have kept this web site current. I was sad to hear about Jim Rainerson, but I would have never known if I hadN't com to visit. If I run across old picture I will get in touch. Always Mary
Date |
December 19, 2012 |
Name |
Deb Felton |
Email |
defaerierose@aol.com |
City |
Cottage Grove |
State |
MN |
Country |
Comments |
Enjoyed your website very much, but couldn't locate the items on consignment for sale. Other then that really enjoyed everything I saw & will be coming back.
Date |
November 25, 2012 |
Name |
Roy A. Morrow |
Email |
morrowroy10@yahoo.com |
City |
Bremerton |
State |
Washington |
Country |
Comments |
Vietnam 6/68 - 12/69 Bravo Co. 1st Recon
Date |
August 8, 2012 |
Name |
Terrance Godfrey |
Email |
kota@fastmail.fm |
City |
Rio Rancho |
State |
NM |
Country |
Comments |
Interesting site, especially like the Recon Pages, I served with 1st Recon from Jan 66 to Nov 67 in Chu Lai and Da Nang. Simfer Fi
Date |
April 14, 2012 |
Name |
Trudy Persons Parks |
Email |
trudyp95037@gmail.com |
City |
Morgan Hill |
State |
CA |
Country |
Comments |
Darn.... just couldn't make it to the 45th reunion! I really want to be at the 50th though that's a special one!!! I will do my best to be there! Your Cousin, Trudy
Date |
February 27, 2012 |
Name |
phillip kessler |
Email |
wandacavallo24@gmail.com |
City |
Rupert |
State |
Weat virginia |
Country |
United States |
Comments |
I recently moved into this old house and found a variety of vintage ball mason jars,some are Blue Perfect Mason jars with what looks like a question mark underscored with a line and some are Blue Masons with wired,glass dome shaped lids.On the face it reads,BALL I DEAL PAT D July,14 1908 these are with a underscored #4 on the bottom.Also I found some that read,Genuine Ball Sculptured Glass 124A Mason Jar A 9 on the bottom.I myself am not a collector and do want to sell them.Do you know anyone who would be interested? Please E Mail me back at the above G Mail address THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Date |
February 19, 2012 |
Name |
Floyd Ruggles |
Email |
floyd@nhs66.com |
City |
North St Paul |
State |
Mn |
Country |
Comments |
This Guest Book is New as/of Feb. 19th, 2012.. Check out our Guest Book 1 for all of 2011... Floyd Ruggles
Date |
January 14, 2012 |
Name |
Michelle Tarka |
Email |
emtarka@gmail.com |
City |
Farmington |
State |
Mn |
Country |
Comments |
Very well done on your website! I am sincerely impressed and am looking forward to meeting with you on Tuesday @ noon! Michelle PS. I also have quite a few friends and family that I can forward to you to help with business either buying/selling. "Antiquing" is what we do for fun!!!
Comments |
this is the by far the best and most informative antique shop web site i have ever seen. need to visit your store. don't know west st. paul, live in north metro. have some things i would like to sell, your website states you pay better than other places. do you have vintage fiesta ware? thank you. would you give me some idea of what percentage you pay off of retail when you are buying things? for example if i had something you were going to retail for $100, what would you pay me? thank you, donna turner
Date |
October 23, 2011 |
Name |
joan campion |
Email |
jkenwyn@yahoo.com |
City |
key west |
State |
Fl |
Country |
USA 33040 |
Comments |
I found your website researching info & a price for a Roseville fuschia jardiniere & pedestal vase I 'inherited' from my grandmother. She had it since at least the mid-1940's. Very interesting website and very helpful! Wish I could get up to Minnesota and visit! I graduated from Northern Michigan Univ in Marquette,MI so I know you are living in God's country! thanks for the info on the vase!
Date |
September 21, 2011 |
Name |
Email |
City |
Minnetonka |
State |
MN |
Country |
Comments |
I really enjoy all the memories of being part of North High School's reunion committee. It was a innocent, wonderful time in our lives to be youg and preeeeety care free. Keep up the great work on the website. It is awesome!
Date |
September 1, 2011 |
Name |
Terry Rice |
Email |
trice48@charter.net |
City |
Watertown |
State |
Minnesota |
Country |
Comments |
To all who helped organize the reunion, great job. To Floyd who keeps this web site up to date, a special thanks. It was nice to see everyone, even if there are never enough hours to visit with everyone. Semper Fi Floyd
Date |
September 1, 2011 |
Name |
Duane J Witherspoon Sr |
Email |
djspoon66@aol.com |
City |
Brooklyn Center |
State |
Minnesota |
Country |
United States |
Comments |
I was at the Reunion and it was real nice to see people I hadn't seen in years.If it is God's will I'll be at the "50" year one.I pray Health,Peace,Joy and God's Love for all my classmates.And Floyd you and Linda have done a Great job on this website..Thank you.I know I don't have the money to buy anything,but I'd like to come over and browse your shop someday. Duane J Witherspoon Sr
Comments |
Had a wonderful time at the 45th reunion!! I have not been to one in many, many years and it was so much fun seeing old friends. Great job to all who worked on it. See you at the 50th (I hope!)
Comments |
So sorry to miss the reunion -- though I've been trying really hard to perfect skill of being in two places at once, no success yet. Floyd, great job on the website, thank you. I look forward to seeing all of you at the 50th!
Date |
August 9, 2011 |
Name |
Karen Trosen McAllister |
Email |
GMAKTMC@Aol.com |
City |
Oregon City |
State |
Oregon |
Country |
Comments |
I'm planning to be there!
Date |
August 8, 2011 |
Name |
Reverend Dr. Bob Griffin |
Email |
bob@grif.net |
City |
Casper |
State |
Wyoming |
Country |
Comments |
Looking forward to seeing no one I will recognize at the 45th. Thinking I had a couple of "circles" of friends - homeroom, band/orchestra, debate/forensics, basketball - but looking at the list of graduates in our class from the commencement program, I could only remember (vaguely) a few. And you all will probably think the same of me. Who is that tall dude? Blessings on the survivors. Just being alive is an accomplishment for our generation.
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Great job on this site Floyd. I am looking forward to seeing you again outside of homeroom.
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What a trip down memory lane looking at the great website you guys have done. I've recently retired to Tucson, Az after residing in St Croix, USVI for the last 25 years. Sorry to say I won't be able to make the reunion...I just returned from a family reunion in MN.Have a great time all!
Comments |
Hi, Got a Letter from Floyd, Don't now How he Tracked me down after all theses years, More so cause i didn't do much at North High, except go to class and finish High School, Didn't Social with many kids in school [ was very shy ] so not many if any will even remember me, Had 1 very close friend from 11th Grade [ Kenny Bakken ] till he passed away 2 yrs ago, 44 yrs, i would say that is a great friend, miss him greatly, he was in our 66 class, any ways can't make it to the Reunion, but all of you have a great time Larry
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Has anyone else been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis? My older brother Jim and I both have MS and would like to know if anyone from the North area also have it.
Comments |
Got a letter from Floyd Ruggles letting me know about this site. I won't be able to attend the 45th, but will probably be wanting to attend the 50th. All of the schools that I attended in Minneapolis - Grade, Jr. High, and Sr. High - have been torn down - which says something 'bout out Post-Modern Culture, if nothing else. Reading, Writing, Play, Work - keep me busy these days. I have a Masters in MIS and occasionally design Web-sites. This site - the Antiques of West Saint Paul - is easy to navigate, thus I give it a plus. How the Antiques of WSP and the Class of 66 got together though, is something that I haven't figured out quite yet. In a way of speaking, I too, am an Antique of West Saint Paul, a Beautiful place to live, by the way !
Date |
May 30, 2011 |
Name |
Ronald Hunter |
Email |
ronhunter41@msn.com |
City |
Golden Valley |
State |
MN |
Country |
Comments |
I'm looking forward to reconnecting with many old friends (if I can remember why I'm there).
Date |
May 23, 2011 |
Name |
Trudy Persons Parks |
Email |
City |
Morgan Hill |
State |
CA |
Country |
Comments |
Don't know if I will be able to make the reunion or not! I would like to but you know how it is... Your cousin Trudy!
Date |
April 28, 2011 |
Name |
Mary Rivers Smith |
Email |
teensy51@yahoo.com |
City |
Minneapolis |
State |
Minnesota |
Country |
Comments |
It took me awhile to find it but it is now bookmarked. Very well done and enjoyable
Date |
April 21, 2011 |
Name |
Floyd A. Ruggles |
Email |
City |
North Saint Paul |
State |
MN |
Country |
Comments |
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The Class of 1966 will celebrate 45 years since graduating from North High School. It's hard to imagine that time has flown by so quickly. You will definitely want to attend the 45th Reunion on August 27th, 2011.
Click Here |
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