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Historical Periods & Antique Styles
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Charles I
Baroque 1620-1700 |
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Charles II
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James II
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William & Mary
William & Mary
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William III
William III
Rococo 1695-1760 |
Queen Anne
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George I
Early Georgian
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George II
Early Georgian
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George III
Late Georgian to 1811
Neo-classical 1755-1805 |
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Empire 1799-1815 |
George IV
Regency 1812-1830 |
William IV
William IV
Eclectic 1830-1880 |
Arts & Crafts 1880-1900 |
Edward VII
Art Nov eau 1900-1920 |
& Antique Historical Societies Fraternal Organizations, Clubs and relative web sites.
United States Historical Societies
Chicago Historical Society - features information on Chicago and early Illinois history displayed in many exhibits and available to researchers. New York Historical Society - museum collections and exhibitions, research library, archive and print room, programs, and store. American Jewish Historical Society Kansas State Historical Society - administers historic sites, museums, and other activities throughout Kansas. Minnesota Historical Society Ohio Historical Society Supreme Court Historical Society - dedicated to the collection and preservation of the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. Features a digital library of articles and books, and legal and constitutional history. Indiana Historical Society - independent, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to collecting, preserving, and promoting the history of the 19th state. California Historical Society - featuring an onsite bookstore and museum; includes local photos, historical publications, biographical clippings and more. Washington State Historical Society - guide to museums, resource centers, and educational programming. Missouri Historical Society - celebrates state history with a museum, library, and events. Western Reserve Historical Society - privately supported regional historical society founded to preserve and present the history of all of the people of northeast Ohio. White House Historical Association - nonprofit organization that helps conserve and interpret the White House with online tours, history lesson plans, trivia, and a museum shop. Connecticut Historical Society - museum and library of CT and early New England history; genealogy research services. New Hampshire Historical Society Nebraska State Historical Society - preserves and interprets history of Nebraska with manuscript, photo, audio/visual, archeological, and museum collections. San Diego Historical Society - with photos, postcards, stereo views, journal articles, biographies, and stories. Historical Society of Pennsylvania Massachusetts Historical Society - founded in 1791 to collect, preserve, and make available the basic materials of American history. Virginia Historical Society State Historical Society of North Dakota Historical Society of Delaware South Carolina Historical Society - historical and genealogical information. State Historical Society of Iowa - serves as a trustee of Iowa's historical legacy and an advocate for understanding Iowa's past. Oregon Historical Society Brooklyn Historical Society - museum, library, and education center dedicated to illuminating the rich heritage of borough's diverse peoples and cultures, past and present. State Historical Society of Wisconsin Vermont Historical Society - museum and gift shop. National Japanese American Historical Society - Nikkei Heritage Online - historical and cultural organization driven by oral histories, exhibitions and publications. Organ Historical Society - international society for pipe organ history. Jewish Historical Society of Maryland - features programs and events, exhibitions, volunteer information, and more. Chinese Historical Society of America - dedicated to the study, documentation, and dissemination of Chinese American history. Utah Division of State History - home to the Utah State Historical Society. Dallas Historical Society - collects and preserves the history of Dallas and Texas. Oklahoma Historical Society Army Historical Foundation - nonprofit, tax exempt organization dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of the American soldier. GLBT Historical Society - maintains a collection of primary source material about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender history. Florida Historical Society - features information on the Alma Clyde Field Library of Florida History, the Greatest Living Floridian prize, upcoming events, and more. Jamestowne Society - organized to discover and record the names of living descendants of early settlers who established the nation, and more. Historic Charleston Foundation Huguenot Historical Society - dedicated to the National Historic Landmark District in New Paltz, NY. Organizes the annual Colonial Street Festival (formerly Stone House Day). Old York Historical Society - explore three centuries of life in a coastal Maine village. Great Lakes Historical Society - Great Lakes lore is told through ship models, painting, exhibits and collections of artifacts unique to the Inland Seas. Newport Historical Society - contains information about the Society's collections, historic sites, educational programs, exhibits, and tours. Pejepscot Historical Society - Pejepscot, Joshua Chamberlain and Skolfield Whittier House Museums and research archives. United States Capitol Historical Society - enhances and perpetuates the history and heritage of the Capitol, its institutions, and the individuals who have served in Congress and the Capitol. History San José - preserves the history of the Santa Clara Valley and manages the History Museum in Kelley Park, as well as the Peralta Adobe & Fallon House. Boston Historical Society and Museum@ Gotham Center for New York History, The - working to boost the visibility of New York's historical assets. Historical Society of Southern California - with information and activities concerning the history of Los Angeles and Southern California. Kentucky Historical Society Heritage Society - Houston, TX - mission is to preserve history through restoration of historic structures, exhibition of historical artifacts and presentation of education programs. Idaho State Historical Society - includes links to the Idaho Historical Museum, historic sites, Library and Archives, and the State Historic Preservation Office. Palisades Amusement Park Historical Society - a visit to one of America's most beloved fun centersk. This site also features many other interesting things for any fan of amusement parks. Historic Bethlehem Partnership - providing education about Bethlehem's early history to schoolchildren and adults through three museums representing agriculture, industry, and decorative arts. Chinese Historical Society of Southern California Korean American Historical Society (KAHS) - dedicated to enriching the collective memory of Korean Americans through collecting, maintaining, and transmitting the heritage and achievements of Koreans living in the United States and abroad. Berkeley Historical Society Tippecanoe County Historical Association - documents the history of Lafayette, Indiana and the surrounding area. Historical Society of Cecil County - operates a library and museum that promotes the county's history. Rensselaer County Historical Society - located in the 1827 Federal-style Hart-Cluett Mansion, the Society offers a house museum, changing exhibitions and a public research library, Kennebunkport Historical Society - informing the public of the history associated with the area; from the great shipbuilding industry to today's tourist industry.
Wyoming State Historical Society - lists programs, museums, historic sites, and other items of interest. Office of Historic Alexandria@ Historical Society of the Town of Greenwich - also offers information on the Bush-Holley Historic Site. Schenectady County Historical Society - includes calendar of events, church records, genealogy, and more. LaPorte County Historical Society & Museum Historic Hawai'i Foundation - works to preserve Hawai'i's unique architectural and cultural heritage. Gwinnett Historical Society - devoted to the preservation of Gwinnett County's rich heritage. White Pine Historical and Archaeology Society - Ely, NV - with information on the Pony Express, ghost towns and county histories, photos, maps and more. Tennessee Historical Society - promotes interest in and preservation of all matters relating to the history of Tennessee. Berrien County Historical Association - interprets the diverse heritage of Berrien County by preserving the original structures on the 1839 Courthouse Square. Stearns County Historical Society - home to the society's museum and research center; center specializes in genealogical information for Germany and Luxembourg. Shaker Heritage Society Fulton County, Indiana - Historical Society Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven - maintains the archives of the local Jewish community. Includes information on cemeteries, pictures, extensive links, and more. Orange County California Genealogical Society Geneva Historical Society - features exhibit and program information and descriptions of its properties, including the Prouty-Chew Museum and the Rose Hill Mansion. Camden County Historical Society - historical research and tour facility. Includes photo tour, museum, genealogical resources, educational programs and more. Greene County Historical Society and Museum
Sullivan County Historical Society - history and genealogy. Lexington Historical Society - acquires, maintains, and preserves the significant historical landmarks, artifacts, and archival material of the historic Massachusetts town. Abigail Adams Historical Society - preserving the birthplace of Abigail Smith Adams. Includes information on the history of the house, tours, and events. Falmouth Historical Society Richmond Hill Historical Society - complete resource of information on the origin and future of this NYC community in Queens. Italian Historical Society of America - outlining the achievements of Italians and Italian Americans throughout history. New Mexico Jewish Historical Society - promotes the understanding and study of Jewish history in the Western United States. Shelby County Historical Society Web Site - historical information on Shelby County. Buffalo and Erie County, NY Historical Society - collects and preserves the artifacts and records of Western New York history. Century House Historical Society - Rosendale, NY - nonprofit educational organization dedicated to the industrial history of the Rosendale natural cement region. Wethersfield Historical Society - home of the Wethersfield Museum. Arlington, MA Historical Society - owns and operates the 1740s Jason Russell House and the Smith Museum on Arlington history. Westchester County Historical Society - library and research center dedicated to preserving the heritage of Westchester County, NY. Beloit Historical Society - Wisconsin history including information on Lincoln Center, Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead, and Society events. St. Lawrence County Historical Association - offering tours, publications, archives and genealogy research. Wise County Historical Society - publishes the Appalachian Quarterly Magazine and the Melungeon and Appalachian registries. Dedham Historical Society - houses a genealogical library, as well as local historical collections. Exhibits include furnishings, artifacts, paintings, photographic materials, and silver. Humboldt County Historical Society - resource for Northwest Californian, West Coast, and Humboldt County history. Berkshire County Historical Society, The - nonprofit corporation dedicated to collecting, preserving, and disseminating the history of Berkshire County. Gaylordsville Historical Society Martha's Vineyard Historical Society Perry County Historical Society - lists information about the society and events. Northwest Georgia Historical and Genealogical Society Stonington, CT Historical Society, The - chronicles the lives of settlers, blockade runners, ship captains, whalers, patriots, explorers, and more. Yorktown Historical Society - fostering public awareness and pride in Yorktown's heritage Bergen County Historical Society - promotes appreciation of local & NJ history. Campbell-Christie, Demarest & Steuben Houses, displays of Jersey Dutch folk art, antiques, architecture & indian artifacts. Josephine County Historical Society - located at the Historic Schmidt House. Clayton Historical Society - home, town jail and other buildings have been converted into a museum. Howard County Historical Society and Museum - housed in the Seiberling Mansion complex, which houses artifacts, antiques, and memorabilia related to the county. Meigs County Historical Society and Meigs County Museum - information on the history and genealogy of the county - a joint effort with the Meigs County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society. Berkeley County Historical Society - dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of history in Berkeley County, West Virginia. Burlington, WI Historical Society - includes newsletter, articles, discussion forum, photos, online records, and more. Newton County Historical Commission Natick Historical Society & Museum, The - features artifacts of the Natick Indian Community, as well as memorabilia relating to the Natick community's daily life in earlier periods. Bayside Historical Society - collects and preserves materials documenting the history of Bayside and Northeast Queens. North Lake Tahoe Historical Society - includes information on exhibits and membership. Archer Historical Society - features local history articles, information on the Depot Museum, and events calendar. Keweenaw County Historical Society - dedicated to preserving and sharing the history of Michigan's northernmost county. Includes background on the Eagle Harbor Lighthouse and the Rathbone School. Rochester, NH Historical Society
Yolo County Historical Society - includes a walk through historical Woodland, services, published books, and contact information. Dakota County Historical Society - with historical and genealogical information, artifacts, and photographs of this Minnesota county. Albion, ME Historical Society - includes newspaper abstracts, monuments and cemeteries, and the train station. Clinton County Genealogical, Historical Societies - resources including books, upcoming event and membership details. Forestville Historical Society - information about the history and heritage of the Wine Country town. Baxter County Historical and Genealogical Society South Dakota State Historical Society and Office of History@ Oliver Springs Historical Society - includes local history articles, list of historic sites, and photos. Boston, MA South End Historical Society - dedicated to the oldest historical urban district in the U.S. Sullivan and Sorrento Historical Society - provides schedule, meeting information, and local trivia. Milford Historical Society Kennesaw Historical Society - meets at the Kennesaw, GA, Civil War Museum. South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society - founded to collect, preserve, and publish historical and genealogical materials and records. Mount Prospect Historical Society Cranston Historical Society Jewish Historical Society of MetroWest - information about their archives, facilities, and membership. Sherman Historical Society - dedicated to the preservation of the history of Sherman, Connecticut. Queen Anne Historical Society - features information about the past and present of the Queen Anne neighborhood. Coffey County Historical Society & Museum - preserving the heritage and history of Coffey County, Kansas. Batavia Historical Society - Batavia, IL - dedicated to preserving the history of the city and the Batavia Township. Sherburne County Historical Society - historical society and museum and research library. Summit County Historical Society - information on the history of Akron and Summit County. Includes virtual tour of Akron founder Simon Perkin's Mansion. Manitowoc County Historical Society - home of the Heritage Center Museum and Pinecrest Historical Village. Blair County Historical Society - preserves, promotes, and interprets the history of Blair County. Saukville Area Historical Society - includes information on the annual Saukville Crossroads Rendezvous. Goshen Public Library and Historical Society - Library and community information, Internet resources, library newsletter and more. Dorset Historical Society - collects, maintains and exhibits artifacts, manuscripts, photographs, books, art, archival, and genealogical material relevant to the town of Dorset, Vermont, from 1761 to the present. El Paso County Historical Society - includes events, historical overviews of El Paso and Juarez, and information on the Jane Burges Perrenot Research Center. Bedford Historical Foundation [TX] - features information about the Old Bedford School, area historical markers, historic photos, and more. Mill Valley Historical Society - offers programs, publications, and events aimed at educating the community. Rockne Historical Association - includes The Pioneer newsletter, news and upcoming events, articles, images, and membership information. Allegany State Park Historical Society - focused on the cultural and natural history of New York's largest state park. Cambridge Historical Society - founded in 1905 and dedicated to promoting an interest in all aspects of Cambridge history. Programs include a lecture series, walking tours, and visits to historic houses. Chester Historical Society - features area history, information on tours and publications, and reminiscences from former and current residents. Placer County, CA Historical Society - promotes interest in local history. Chadds Ford Historical Society - grew out of a group of civic-minded individuals who annually organized a public celebration on the anniversary of the Battle of Brandywine - September 11, 1777. Sangamon County Historical Society - works to perpetuate and create interest in the history of Springfield and Sangamon County, Illinois. Faulkner County Historical Society - preserving the history of Faulkner County, Arkansas. Site features articles, membership info, and more. Lambertville Historical Society (LHS) - sponsors events and activities that promote community awareness and appreciation of Lambertville history and architecture. Also home of the James Wilson Marshall House Museum. Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maine - social, genealogical, and historical organization dedicated to perpetuating the memory of Colonial History.
Old Mobeetie Texas Association - preserving the history of Mobeetie and Wheeler County. Includes articles, pioneer interviews, and information about the Huselby House Restoration Project. Chillicothe Historical Society - maintains the Fourth Street Museum with its document document and genealogy library and the Railroad Museum. Anderson Island Historical Society - includes information on Johnson Farm, a tour of the island, membership forms, and more. Palmyra Historical Society - maintains the Carlin House and Turner Museum. Site includes newsletter, membership and tour information, publications, and more. San Joaquin County Historical Society & Museum - dedicated to the preservation of agricultural and local history of San Joaquin County, California. Hoosick, NY Historical Society - dedicated to preserving and generating interest in local history. Derry Area Historical Society San Diego Hysterical Society - paroding the history of fictional people, and bogus events. Burlingame Historical Society Oyster Bay Historical Society@ Golden Historical Society - restoring an 1872 smock windmill known as the Prairie Mills Windmill. The original millstones and gearing remain in the structure. Historical Societies and Genealogy Societies - home to local historical and genealogical societies. Webster Groves, MO Historical Society - preserving the history of the city of Century Homes. Clinton County Historical Society Points Northeast Historical Society - information about Browns and Dash Points of Northeast Tacoma. Also offers a lighthouse keeper's cottage program where you can become a light keeper for one-week. North Mississippi Historical Society - researches, preserves, and interprets the history of north and northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota. Aurora, OH Historical Society - established to acquire, restore, and preserve local historical objects, materials, documents, and memorabilia. Vermilion Historical Society - preserving and disseminating the history of Vermilion Parish. Includes articles, photographs, documents, and publications. Redondo Beach Historical Society - preserving the town's history through projects including a bi-annual historical and architectural home tour. Heritage League of Greater Kansas City - provides information about the history and cultural development of the Greater Kansas City area. Orchard Lake, MI Greater West Bloomfield Historical Society - article archive and photograph gallery from the organization that serves the communities of Keego Harbor, Orchard Lake, Sylvan Lake, and West Bloomfield. Stephenson County, IL Historical Society - preserves and promotes local and regional history in partnership with the Freeport Park District. Apopka Historical Society and Museum of Apopkans - information about the museum and history of Apopka and North Orange Couty, Florida. Doña Ana County Historical Society - features program and event information, history, publications, and local links. Portage County Historical Society Washington County Historical Society - promoting the historical heritage of Washington county, New York. Appalachian Foothills Fire Historical Society - collecting, restoring, and displaying the history of the fire services in the western foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Caledonia Historical Society - society information, events and news, with historical photographs, maps, and museum updates. Lompoc Valley Historical Society - located in the restored Fabing-McKay-Spanne House. Includes information on local history, exhibits, and membership. Bixby Historical Society - preserving the history of Bixby and southern Tulsa County. Site includes calendar of events, member information, online resources, and more. Deerfield Beach, FL Historical Society - dedicated to preserving local history. Beverly Historical Society Clearwater County Historical Society - A 1911 brick schoolhouse holds the main exhibits, with a log cabin, log school (first in county), railroad depot and other buildings also on the grounds. We also do genealogical research. Ewing Township Historical Preservation Society - working to preserve and protect Ewing Township's historic houses, buildings, and sites. Palmer Lake, CO Historical Society - holds monthly programs and manages the local museum. High Plains Historical Society - Nunn, CO - preserves and displays the history of Northern Weld County's historic places, buildings, and people. Starks Historical Society - features meeting dates, news, and project information. Becker County Historical Society - resources, membership, research, newsletter, and a calendar of events. Rappahannock Colonial Heritage Society - educating the public about the Colonial-era history of the Rappahannock River Valley. Includes newsletter and information about membership and events. Jefferson County Historical Society - featuring museums, tours, history, and a calendar of events.
Hampstead Historical Society - devoted to preserving the history of the town of Hampstead, New Hampshire. Weymouth Historical Society - operates the Weymouth Museum and Jason Holbrook Homestead. Features news, membership application, historical photos, genealogical information, and more. Lake Jackson Historical Association - museum of local history and archelogical site of Jackson Plantation. Historical Society of Long Beach - preserves a record of the city's extraordinary history for future generations. Kennebec Historical Society - genealogical and historic preservation organization. Lincoln Group, The - nonprofit, tax-exempt historical society devoted to the study of Abraham Lincoln. Programs are held monthly in Washington, D. C., featuring nationally and locally recognized Lincoln scholars and specialists. Canton Historical Society Ishpeming, MI Historical Society - includes a written history of the city and a gathering of local artifacts. Tazewell County Historical Society - includes pictures from Tazewell County Archives and information concerning the historical society's current projects. Navesink Maritime Heritage Association - nonprofit educational organization formed for the purpose of promoting appreciation and preservation of the Navesink River communities of New Jersey. Henderson County Historical Commission - features calendar, committee information, cemetery locations, publications list, and more. Delaware County Historical Society - Early Civil War Memorial, historic college campus (1859-1944) site of nine building museum complex north of Hwy 38 in Hopkinton, Iowa. Long-A-Coming Historical Society - Berlin, NJ - dedicated to the preservation of the town's history. Anoka County Historical Society - dedicated to preserving memories and artifacts for future generations. Farmington Area Historical Society - aim is to educate and involve people of the history of the Farmington, Minnesota area, including Castle Rock, Empire, and Eureka townships. Putnam County Historical Society - operates the Bronson-Mulholland House and the Putnam Historic Museum. Features membership information and vintage postcard and stereo view tours of the area. Lakeside Heritage Society, The - operates the Heritage Hall Museum and Lakeside Heritage Archives. Western Maryland Heritage Foundation - organization dedicated to the education, interpretation, and preservation of Western Maryland and American history, including annual events honoring the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, WWII, and beyond. Historical Society of Interlachen - features history of the area and gallery of vintage and contemporary photographs. Georgia Association of Historians - features membership information, newsletters, links to college and university history departments in Georgia, and more. Rice Historical Society - collects and preserves for the future the history of Rice University. Edgewater Historical Society - dedicated to our historical bond and enrichment and helping connect generations and lives. West Jefferson County Historical Society - offers information on the McAdory House, the Owen Plantation House, and the Sadler Plantation House as well as activities and volunteer opportunities. Fort Benjamin Harrison Historical Society - educating people about the natural and cultural heritage of Central Indiana. Sebec Historical Society - includes town history, photographs, information on the Harrison School, and local records including births, deaths, marriages, and cemeteries. Cass County Historical Society - features history and gallery of historical photos, information about the Jerolaman-Long Home museum, and more. Lowell, MA Historical Society - collects, preserves, and publishes materials related to Lowell and promotes the study of the history of the city. Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation - identifies and promotes sites and programs of American Jewish historical interest. Kansas World War II Historical Society - brings together people with an interest in the civilian and military history of the period. Includes photos, re-enacting information, member directory, veterans profiles, and links. Historical Society of the Blairsville Area - preserving and promoting the heritage of Blairsville and the townships of Burrell, Black Lick, and Derry. Bay Area Airline Historical Society Texas Military Historical Society Wichita County Heritage Society - preserving, restoring, and displaying the historical landmarks, documents, and other objects of natural beauty in Wichita County.
United Federation of Doll Clubs: Their mission is to create, stimulate, and maintain an interest in all matters pertaining to doll collecting, as well as establish and promote educational and philanthropic endeavors through dolls.
Fraternal Organizations
New York
Folk Life Societies US
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This site has been developed not just to sell Antiques and Collectibles (of course it does some of that) rather it is to provide information about Antiques, Collectibles, artwork, art pottery, furniture types, furniture styles, jewelry, and militaria from the Revolutionary War to the Vietnam War. This site is all about information and history that is not readily available elsewhere on the Internet. We think West St Paul Antiques is one of the best Antique Malls in the State of Minnesota and we have been working hard to create that excellence for the last 12 years. We have expertise on Antiques & Collectibles and as we read and study about history and antiques we also strive to be historians. We will share that expertise with you and all the visitors to our site. Stop by and visit our Antique Mall in West St Paul, Minnesota. Or, you are all welcome to visit us on the web. This is a new website for us at West St Paul Antiques. We hope you enjoy the site. Please feel free to email me directly at floydruggles@weststpaulantiques.com if you have any questions or feedback about this site. Please sign our guest book and check out our Poetry Coffee Cup Cafe, or the Out and About Gallery. The Reference Library an all 5 Museums are open to you 24/7 on this website. Stop by one of the 1st Recon Battalion pages where you can read about my experiences in Vietnam. Oh, by the way, also check out all our Antiques, Collectibles, artwork, art pottery, clocks, mall specials, furniture types and styles, jewelry and militaria items for sale on this site and in our Antique Mall. Check it out by going to Antique Mall Tour. This site will be totally commercial free with no fees to pay. I'll be working on this site over time so bear with me. It should be finished by the end of 2010 with over 500 pages at that time and 900 pages by the end of next year. Click here to go to our web Site Map and Categories.
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