In an earlier email I asked you a question.
Why did PicRigths vary from their normal policy on notification. You never did answer, so I'll ask it again.
PicRights did not make several efforts to resolve these copyright matters with West St Paul Antiques,
as stated in all your claims.
The several attempts to resolve a claim was in 2017 not in these claims.
Compare all of the claims. PicRights reference Number: 1447-7737-5436 attempts made to resolve that claim were made on November 15th & December 13th, 2017 & January 3rd, 2018 before sending the claim to your law firm.
The first letter I received from Higbee & Associates was on September 19th, 2018 for that claim. Your Claim Number: 516719.
In these claims 6PEEMQ, XQVVPY, L60051, N5MMOZ & OQ993N PicRights sent all the letters on June 20th, 2022.
I received those letters several days later. On all of those letters it reads:
" We would like to resolve this time-sensitive issue as soon as possible and request that you respond within 14 days from the date of this correspondence."
I received your firm's first letter dated July 6th, 2022 followed by four additional letters dated the 7th, 13th, and two on them July 26th, 2022.
Sure looks like a coordinated attack between your law firm and PicRights International Inc.on my company website.
So can you please answer the question, why did PicRigths vary from their normal policy on notification on your 5 claims?
Or have they changed their policy on notification.
I know for a fact that they haven't as of February 13th, 2023.
All you have to do look up Reference Number: 4094-9680-4118