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Thank You
| North High School Class of 1966
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William N. "Bill" Lee
We've got them where we want them, we're surrounded and they can't get away.
Bill Lee |
Bill & Suzanne Lee |
Happy 52nd Anniversary
Bill & Suzanne
from the Class of '66
July 29th, 2019
Bill & Suzanne Lee |
Bill & Suzanne Lee "RR in Hawaii 1968" |
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Bill & Suzanne Lee 2019 |
Bill & Suzanne Lee December 2nd, 2018 at Mount Precipice, Nazareth |
April 2016 |
June 2016 |
Bill Lee - June 2016 (MMXVI) |
This is the true grand champion of fathers. How do I know? Just ask him what he's doing today for Fathers Day. It's something for one of his kids or grandkids. Don't be surprised to find him watching a dance competition or play or attending someone's gymnastics meet or awards celebration. He's a unique guy who doesn't have a selfish thought and who wouldn't change any plans he had to be there for his loved ones. It's been that way my whole life. Thanks for showing me how it's done bud! Love you Dad! — Jeff Lee
from Bill: |
August 27th, 2011 - 10:22am
Thank you so much for the welcome to the forty-fifth high school reunion, even though I was expelled from North. It would have been so much fun to see the friends and acquaintances from so long ago. It didn't work for me this year, but please keep me in the loop, if invited, and God willing, I will be at the fiftieth in five years.
Warmest Regards to the class of 66,
-Bill Lee-
Email sent on August 27th, 2011
B i l l
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Absolutely. It will be our pleasure to keep you updated.... always know that you are an invited and welcomed member of the class.
If your situation changes and you are sitting around this evening wondering what to do, come on over to the DoubleTree (494 & 100).
I expect there will be a few people attending the dinner. There is an option to come: $20 at the door for attending w/o the dinner.
Please know you are welcome!Tompkins
Terry Tompkins
from Bill: |
August 29th, 2011 - 9:27pm
Hi floyd,
My name is Bill Lee... I was surfing on the North High School Reunion Site, and saw your 1st Recon stuff. Semper Fi, I was a 1371, Combat Engineer, and was embedded with the 5th Marine Regiment during my combat tour. Oct 9, 67 - Oct 29, 68. I was going to attend the reunion, even though I was expelled from North ,(misfit) but just got over committed and couldn't make it. I told Terry Tompkins to keep me in the loop, and I will attend the 50th, God Willing. Thank you for your service.
Bill Lee the photo is me 3/29/68
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Email sent on September 2nd, 2011
B i l l
| | It's great to hear from you. It doesn't seem like 45 years already. Sorry you couldn't make it to the 45th reunion. I look forward to seeing you at the 50th reunion or before. Keep in touch. I'll be updating the website with your information as well as the others I hear from.
William "Bill" Lee |
From: You're friends on Facebook
MAY 13TH, 2016 8:55AM
Floyd - I am thinking about going to the reunion, but am still on the fence. I would be going only as a guest, as I was expelled from North. Twice actually, once from the regular school, and then again from the Work Program, where you just went to home room, and then your job. My high school years have always been a period of shame and embarrassment for me. Like you, I too joined the Marines. I was sent to Demolition and Landmine War School, and then to Vietnam. My combat tour was from 9, Oct 67 to 29 Oct 68. I was with the 1st Combat Engineer Btn, however was embedded with the1st Btn 5th Marine Regiment for 90% of my time there. I was also briefly with 3/5. I was involved in Operation Houston 1,2,3 & 4, The Tet Counter Offensive, Operation Sussex Bay, and Mameluke Thrust. I had readjustment problems when I came home, and in 1980 was featured in a five day story in the Minneapolis Star. Since 1977, when I got and stayed sober, my life has been blessed with an abundance of success, both professionally and personally.. You probably didn't need this life story this morning, but my point is; as a non-graduate guest, if I come to the reunion, I don't know if you would want to include my Vietnam story on your storyboard. Semper Fi
FRI May 27th, 2016 5:25PM
I am sorry not to get back to you sooner. I am very far behind and just saw your posting on facebook. All of us at North consider you a classmate Bill. Just because you didn't graduate doesn't mean we don't consider you part of our class. In fact I am using your story as a Marine as the lead story in the storyboard that I am creating for the class reunion. I am still working on it but I'll send you a link to what I have done so far. I am looking forward to seeing you and Susan at the reunion. Please send me any other photos that you have and I will add them to the board. Semper Fi.
Vietnam storyboard webpage is at: Click Here Your friend and Classmate from 1966, Floyd
FRI May 27th, 2016 7:37PM
This is so awesome Floyd, thank you very much. Bill
SAT May 28th, 2016 4:05AM
Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend, see you at the 50th, God Willing..... Floyd
Oct 9, 67 - Oct 29, 68 |
Click to Listen To The Music!
Lance Corporal Thomas C Henry |
| Bill Lee May 30th, 2016
On this Memorial Day weekend I want to honor all the Men and Women that lost their lives for our country. I especially want to honor the five good friends I served with among the 17,817 that died during my Vietnam tour of duty. My friends included Gregory H. Stancil, Charles T. White, James L. Jako, Michael F. Fanning, and a special shout out to my friend Thomas Carmen Henry, who gave his life on March 29th 1968 while we were both with Mike Company 3/5. Here is a photo of Tom. Please remember him, and the sacrifice his family made for us. A special thanks to Tom's wife, Sandra Jean Henry-Lowell, daughter Cinnamon Couch, and his sister Sandy Henry Lowe.
Final Mission of LCPL Thomas C. Henry
Lance Corporal Thomas C Henry |
There is a personal account for this incident by Jerry Lomax, 3rd Bn/5th Marines, M Co.: “On March 29, 1968, Mike Company crossed a small river in Thua Thien Province while on patrol. Normally, the first thing I do is go to the nearest water hole if I know one is around. I remember I was so tired that I just plopped down. A couple of minutes later, I heard a loud explosion just a few yards from where I was. A command detonated claymore aimed near the water spring had been activated. It came from a gook on the hill overlooking the water. One of the closest friends I had at that time was PFC Terry C. Smith from North Carolina. He had just taken two pictures a couple of minutes before and then went to the water hole with some other guys. The claymore killed three (PFC Smith, PFC Nathaniel Willingham, and LCPL Thomas C. Henry) and wounded three others. It took me a bunch of days to get over what I saw at that water hole. I will never forget. It's the first memory that I have when I look at the two pictures that Terry took just before it happened.”
You Will Never Be Forgotten
Tommy, my only brother, you didn't have to die to be my hero, you were "always" my hero looking out for me and protecting me. You have been gone so long and yet not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Thank God I was blessed with you in my life. I look at your daughter and see so much of you that at times it brings tears to my eyes. I know you are walking with Mom now, looking down on us, I will be so happy when I see you again. i love. miss, and respect you more than words can say. I remember you always called me "little bit". Someone called me that , one time, years ago and it gave me chills, then I looked up to Heaven and smiled.
To Honor Tom
Posted on 2/11/03 - by Bill Lee (763) 427-9844
I remember Tom very well. I was there the day he was killed. We were taking turns walking point with a mine detector because the area we were in had so many mines. I had complained to the skipper, and was replaced by Tom just moments before he and the first squad walked into a command detonated explosive devise that took his life. I have thought of that moment many times over the years. At 19, I felt numb to the whole thing. As time went on however, I felt as if I played a part in his death. Tom and I had so much in common. We were both 19, newly married, and expecting our first children. I will never forget him. Added Feb 12, 2002. I had the honor of being a name reader at the 20th anniversary of "The Wall" and I read Tom's name.
Thanksgiving 2010
Posted on 11/23/10 - by Bill Lee
Thursday will be my 42nd Thanksgiving since the war. I am so sorry that you haven't been around to enjoy them. You would have been 62 years old now, just like me. I have never forgotten you, and pray for you and your family often.
Semper Fi Brother.
Remembering Love
Posted on 5/27/08 - by Sandra Jean Henry-Lowell
40 years have come and gone since you were taken, Oh Love, we were so young. Our love grows always within my heart through Cinnamon.
Lance Corporal Thomas Carmen Henry - Click the photo... |
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| A Soldier's Prayer (author unknown)
Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die.
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Loyd E Jones - Unit in Vietnam |
LCpl. Thomas C. Henry, Pfc. Terry C. Smith and Pfc. Nathaniel Willingham served with the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Mike Company. They were Killed In Action during Operation HOUSTON on 29 March 1968. Their names stand proud on the Mike 3/5 Wall of Honor alongside the Marines they fought and died.
Jerry at Rest |
This photo was made about 2 minutes before three Mike Marines, Terry Smith, Nathaniel Willingham, and Thomas Henry were killed by a command detonated claymore. The date was March 29, 1968, and this event is on our Wall. Terry was the best buddy I had at this time, and he was the first real friend I saw killed. It was all such a waste. All three were blown almost to bits. Terry was hit hard in the groin area. To this day I hate Lyndon Johnson with a passion for times just as this. In the hills behind us was at least one gook with his hand on a remote control. I wish we could have found him because I would have loved to stick a claymore in his mouth and push the button or whatever it took to set it off. What is so ironic in this picture, which is of me lying down exhausted and soaking wet after crossing a river, is that 99% of the time when I heard of a water hole, I was the first one there. I was always thirsty. I was just so tired, I had to flop down. In the background of this picture are Mike Marines resting. In this picture and the next, it really shows how camouflaged we were. You have to look close to see everyone in the picture. These two pictures give me goosebumps even today. This event will bring forth one of my short stories, because the events before and after remain etched in my feeble mind forever.
The VC or NVA guy that set off the claymore has to be in the upper middle left of the picture, because the waterhole is @ 25 yards to our left. Maybe I can zoom in one of these days and find him, or her. Jerry Lomax for more Info Click Here
Truoi River Bridge along Highway 1, Thua Thien Province between Danang, Phu Bai and Hue, early May 68. Picture by Jerry Lomax. Top: Ronnie Williams. 2nd Row: Left, Sam Cole, killed from gunshot wounds a week later, two fellows from a weapon's squad (if you know them, email us). Bottom: From Left, name not remembered, Willie Rivera, Correa, and name not remembered. |
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Sea Tiger article |
In March 1966, the 5th Marines began deploying to Vietnam and April, took part in their first operation near the Hai Van Pass. During 1966-67, the Regiment took part in Operations Nathan Hale, Union II and Swift, and engaged in counter-guerilla operations in the areas of Quang Nam, Quang Tin and Quang Nai Provinces; fighting several sharp battles in Happy Valley and the Que Son Mountains.
During the TET Offensive in 1968, the 5th Marines took part in the battle to clear Hue. By 1969 the war had become one of ambushes and small unit actions, with the emphasis on increasing the security of the population. After the 3rd Marine Division was withdrawn in 1969, the 5th Marines operated mainly in Quang Nam; taking part in the last offensive operation in the summer of 1970. The 5th Marine Regiment left Vietnam in February of 1971.
Defensive *Counter Offensive *Counter Offensive Phase II&III *Tet Counter Offensive *Counter Offensive, Phase IV, V &VI *TET 69 Counter Offensive Summer-Fall 1969 * Winter-Spring 1970 * Sanctuary Counter Offensive * Counter Offensive, Phase VII * Presidential Unit Citation (1966-67)(67-68) * Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry w/Palm * Vietnam Meritorious Unit (Civil Action).
Combat Engineer by Victory V. |
A combat engineer, is a soldier who performs a variety of construction and demolition tasks under combat conditions. Such tasks typically include constructing and breaching trenches, tank traps and other fortifications, bunker construction, bridge and road construction or destruction, laying or clearing land mines, and other physical work in the battlefield. More generally, the combat engineer's goals involve facilitating movement and support of friendly forces while impeding that of the enemy.
Usually, a combat engineer is also trained as an infantryman, and combat engineering units often have a secondary role fighting as infantry. Beyond self-defense, combat engineers, infantry and assault troopers from armored corps units are generally the only troops that engage in the assault while dismounted. This role is limited by a lack of fire support (such as that obtained by infantry units from their mortars and recoilless rifles). However combat engineers typically do have extensive antiarmor capability in their infantry fighting role, such as with antitank missiles.
Bill Lee |
Bill Lee - 1st Platoon - Vietnam |
Bill Lee - Vietnam - Time Line Photos |
Click to enlarge photos...
Thank you for your service Bill... |
Biography William "Bill" Lee
Last Update
Located |
Anoka, MN |
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Personal Website
Business Website
Photo Website
July 11, 1948 |
Wife - Dr. Suzanne Lee Married since July 29, 1967
DNP, APRN-PMH-BC, Partner, Cor Counseling & Psychiatric Services. |
Philip Lee (Sarah), Christine Mannella, (Frank) Daniel Lee, (Kimarr) Jeffrey Lee, (Marisa) 11 grandchildren |
Yes Click Here |
Expelled from NHS 66, USMC 66-69-- My Career was in Real Estate in Minnesota and Florida. |
Bill's Father
Lee, William Sr.
of Anoka, MN, passed away August 4, 2013, 3 days shy of his 90th birthday. Preceded in death by his wife, Millicent; his parents; and 7 brothers. Survived by sons, Paul; William (Suzanne), Ronald (Carolyn); daughter, Bonnie Sorensen (Richard); 13 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchildren; 2 sisters-in-law, Beverly Austrum and Shirley Lee; numerous nieces and nephews; and many other relatives and friends. Veteran of the U.S. Navy during WWII. Visitation 4-7 PM Sunday, August 18, and one hour prior to service. Memorial service 11 AM Monday, August 19th, 2013
It doesn’t matter whether it has been weeks, months or years – the pain of losing a father will pinch his son or daughter for a lifetime. Think of the beautiful childhood memories, think of how much he loved you, think about his warm hugs, think of how he cared for you and most importantly – think of how even today, he is watching down on you like the angel that he has always been.
William "Bill" Lee Time Line Photos |
May 15th, 2016
Suzanne and I, from her prom, exactly 50 years ago.
Click to enlarge photos...
Jeff and Marisa's wedding
Christine Lee Mannella, Frankie Mannella, Jeff Lee, Marisa Lee, Dan Lee, Suzanne Lee, Philip Lee, Sarah Brekke Lee and Kimarr Lee.
Click to enlarge photos...
Suzanne Lee, DNP |
William "Bill" Lee |
Click to enlarge photos...
William "Bill" Lee - April 2016 |
Bill & Suzanne Lee - The Sea of Galilee |
Kinnereth (Sea of Galilee), Israel - panorama of the southern end. |
The Sea of Galilee, Kinneret or Kinnereth, is a freshwater lake in Israel. It is approximately 53 km in circumference, about 21 km long, and 13 km wide. Its area is 166.7 km² at its fullest, and its maximum depth is approximately 43 m. Click here for more Info and photos.
Due to a Images Notice June 20th, 2022 This photo was removed immediately. Exhibit A - L60051 was a photo / image of the Sea of Galilee this photo was questionabe but we still removed it. |
The Sea of Galilee |
Tourism around the Sea of Galilee is an important economic branch. Historical and religious sites in the region draw both local and foreign tourists. The Sea of Galilee is an attraction for Christian pilgrims who visit Israel to see the places where Jesus performed miracles according to the New Testament, such as his walking on water,calming the storm and feeding the multitude. Alonzo Ketcham Parker, a nineteenth-century American traveler, called visiting the Sea of Galilee "a 'fifth gospel' which one read devoutly, his heart overflowing with quiet joy".
In April 2011, Israel unveiled a 40-mile (64 km) hiking trail in Galilee for Christian pilgrims, called the "Jesus Trail". It includes a network of footpaths, roads and bicycle paths linking sites central to the lives of Jesus and his disciples. It ends atCapernaum on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus espoused his teachings.
The Sea of Galilee |
Another key attraction is the site where the Sea of Galilee's water flows into theJordan River, to which thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come to be baptized every year.
Israel's most well-known open water swim race, the Kinneret Crossing, is held every year in September, drawing thousands of open water swimmers to participate in competitive and noncompetitive events.
Tourists also partake in the building of rafts on Lavnun Beach, called Rafsodia. Here many different age groups work together to build a raft with their bare hands and then sail that raft across the sea.
Other economic activities include fishing in the lake and agriculture, particularlybananas, dates, mangoes, grapes and olives in the fertile belt of land surrounding it.
Map of the Sea of Galilee |
View from Arbel
From the summit of Mount Arbel on the western side of the Sea of Galilee, one can see the entire lake, the city of Tiberias, the mountains of Galilee, and the Golan Heights. On a clear day, Mount Hermon is visible.
Mount Arbel—A Panorama Of Jesus’ Ministry
From This Spot, You Can See Where The Majority Of The Events In The Gospels Occurred.
Click Here
Sea of Galilee for more Info click the photo... |
Thank for stopping by.. |
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| | So glad your coming to the 50th reunion. Please keep in touch. I'll updating your webpage and the class of '66 website from time to time. So you can keep up with what is going on with the class of '66. I'll see you at the 54th - God Willing.
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