Messages from the President |
July 10th, 2015
To All:
1st Recon Battalion Association newsletter, The Patrol Report, is forwarded.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of 1st Recon Battalion deployed to Vietnam. I hope you will join us at the Association Reunion in San Diego.
Semper fidelis,
Charlie Kershaw
Some forty-nine men of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association came to Portland in August to reunite with friends and team-mates. The Oregon/Columbia River Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association did a superb job planning and conducting reunion activities and showcasing Portland and the Columbia River area. Reunions succeed due to the voluntary efforts of many members. My thanks and appreciation to: John & Cindy Clary and Dave & Shan Backer for their pre-reunion site recon; the Association Directors at the reunion for doing whatever was needed; Dave & Shan Backer for hosting a dinner for members and families; “Howdy” Howdyshell, Ed & Pat Rowland and Rod Kicklighter for their efforts conducting our auction and Gene Lashley for his leadership and management of the hospitality suite. Congratulations to newly elected Associate Director John Clary and Battalion Unit Director Gil Perez, re-elected Membership Director Bob Morris and Chaplain Dave Backer. Our thanks and appreciation for the dedication and work of Phillip Peters and Charles “Howdy” Howdyshell who leave the Board of Directors after three years of service. Association members attending the Reunion General Membership Meeting approved revised Association Bylaws; the new Bylaws may be found on our website Keep the Marines and Corpsmen of 1st Recon Battalion, especially those deployed in harms way, in your thoughts and prayers. Happy 237th Birthday Marines! God bless America! God bless the United States Marine Corps! God bless 1st Reconnaissance Battalion! Semper Fidelis, Charlie Kershaw
By-Laws |
Approved 18 August 2012
SECTION 1. OBJECTIVES. The objectives of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association are:
• To promote renewed fellowship of all Marines and Navy personnel who served with or were attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division; • To honor the memory of those who served in 1st Reconnaissance Battalion and are deceased; and • To promote scholarly research and to preserve an accurate historical record of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion’s honorable service.
SECTION 2. NOT FOR PROFIT. None of the aforementioned objectives shall be construed to authorize the Association or individual members to conduct activities for profit, financial gain, or attempt to influence legislation.
SECTION 1. CRITERIA. All Marine and Navy personnel who were assigned to or were attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division are eligible for membership in the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association. Written documentation, such as a DD 214, is required to support all applications for membership.
SECTION 2. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association may grant Associate Membership to any parent, spouse, child or sibling of anyone, living or deceased, who was assigned or attached to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. Associate Members shall not exceed 20% of the Association’s members. Associate Members have no voting rights at Association meetings.
SECTION 3. DECEASED MEMBERS. All who met the aforementioned qualifications for membership and are deceased will be carried on the Association’s deceased member rolls as they become known.
SECTION 4. DUES. The Association has no mandatory dues. However, Members and Associate Members are encouraged to make donations, at least annually, to help defray the Association’s operating expenses. An annual donation of $10.00 is suggested.
SECTION 1. MEETINGS. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association shall hold a general membership meeting at least once a year for the election of Association Officers and Directors and to conduct other Association business as deemed necessary. All Members present are eligible to vote on any Association matter. Meetings may be called by the President of the Association or by written petition of two-thirds of the members. In order to conduct Association business, there shall be a quorum of no less than ten Members present. Members may not give their vote to another by proxy.
SECTION 2. COMMITTEES. Committees shall be appointed by the President, from time to time, to: Audit the Treasurer’s Report, Nominate Officers and Directors; plan and prepare reunions, increase membership, publish the Association newsletter and special projects, such as the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial.
SECTION 3. SUBORDINATE UNIT ASSOCIATIONS. Subordinate Unit Associations may be formed under the auspices of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association, comprised of members that served with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion in subordinate units, such as Headquarters and Service Company, A Company, B Company, etc. Subordinate Unit Associations may develop their own by-laws, consistent with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion’s By-Laws, and elect their own Officers/Directors. Subordinate Units may seek assistance from 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association with meeting/reunion planning and other authorized unit activities.
SECTION 1. ASSOCIATION OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Leadership of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Sergeant-at-Arms, Historian, Chaplain, three Directors and the 1st Marine Division Association Unit Director.
SECTION 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
SECTION 3. ELECTION, TERM OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL. Officers of the Association shall be elected by the Association members at a General Membership Meeting for a term of three years; normally, the election of officers shall be staggered so that one third of the Association officers shall be elected each year. A vacancy in any office caused by any reason whatsoever may be filled by the President, with the written concurrence of the Executive Committee, until the next scheduled General Membership Meeting, when the office shall be filled by election. An Association Officer or Director may succeed himself, but he may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms. Officers may be removed from office for just cause and absence from two consecutive Reunions and/or scheduled Membership Meetings, by two thirds vote of Members present at the General Membership Meeting.
SECTION 4. PRESIDENT. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association. He shall have charge of the affairs of the Association, ensure adherence to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association By-Laws and shall ensure all decisions by the Membership are implemented. He shall ensure reports, contracts, documents, checks, bonds or other financial instruments are executed as authorized by the Executive Committee and/or resolution of the Members. He shall be a joint signatory on Association accounts, with check and debit card authority. The President shall represent the Association at meetings with civic, government and veteran organizations where representation by the Association is requested or deemed appropriate.
SECTION 5. VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall have such authority and duties as assigned by the President. He shall be a member of the Executive Committee. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall, consistent with the Association By-Laws, assume the duties of the President.
SECTION 6. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all Association Membership and Executive Committee meetings. He shall maintain sign-in sheets for recording attendance at all membership meetings. He shall be the custodian of Association records. He shall prepare, post, and disseminate all legal notices, correspondence and other materials as required by laws, statutes, and regulations. The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of all membership and Executive Committee meetings, maintain them for review by Association Members and provide these minutes to the membership at each annual Association Membership meeting. He shall perform all duties pertaining to the office Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President.
SECTION 7. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive and collect all monies payable to the Association and deposit those monies in such bank or depository designated to handle the Association’s accounts. He shall make payment of all lawful obligations. He shall maintain custody of all Association funds, securities, and related documents. With the President, he shall be a joint account holder on Association accounts, with check and debit card authority. He shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements; he shall render a statement of the Association’s financial condition as required, an annual financial report at the Association’s membership meeting and other report as required by law. The Treasurer shall perform all duties of his office and those duties assigned by the President.
SECTION 8. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR. The Membership Director shall work to increase Association membership and interact with veterans and military service organizations. He shall maintain the Membership Directory of the Association and, as the Association Web Master, maintain the Association Web Site. He shall perform all duties of his office and those duties assigned by the President.
SECTION 9. HISTORIAN. The Historian shall research, record, catalog and maintain historical data and material pertaining to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. He shall be the custodian of historical material and artifacts donated to the Association. The Historian shall interact with the historical program of the Marine Corps. He shall foster public awareness of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion’s lineage, honors and achievements and interact with the media as the Association Public Affairs Officer. He shall perform all duties of his office and those duties assigned by the President.
SECTION 10. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be responsible for maintaining order during all meetings and leading Members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall collect and count any and all written ballots when secret ballots or votes are conducted. He shall be the custodian of designated Association property and ensure it is on hand for reunions, membership meetings or other events as directed. He shall perform all duties of his office and those duties assigned by the President.
SECTION 11. CHAPLAIN. The Chaplain shall open all membership meetings with prayer. He shall be the Association’s principal point of contact with the next of kin and families of deceased members, conduct or cause to be conducted memorial services as necessary and ensure that the Association honors the memory of deceased members appropriately.
SECTION 12. DIRECTORS. Directors serve as directed by the President; fill Association Officer and Committee leadership positions as required; perform other tasks pertaining to Association business; assist with reunion planning, preparation and execution; and provide liaison with the Membership.
SECTION 13. UNIT DIRECTOR. The Unit Director represents the Association at 1st Marine Division Association meetings. He shall perform other Association tasks as directed by the President.
SECTION 14. COMPENSATION. Officers and members shall not receive any salary or other compensation for services rendered to the Association.
SECTION 15. ASSOCIATION ACCOUNTS AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND FUNDS. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association shall maintain its accounts in a bank or credit union insured by the federal government. As a minimum, the Association will maintain a checking and an interest bearing account. Association accounts shall be joint, with the Treasurer and President authorized to transact Association business. Members attending annual/periodic meetings shall review and approve the Treasurer’s Report, and by simple majority vote any extraordinary expenses in excess of $1000.00. Upon written consent of the Executive Committee, Association expenses that may occur between Membership Meetings may be paid as necessary to ensure Association obligations are met and to benefit the Membership as a whole.
SECTION 1. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association By- Laws may be modified, amended or replaced by a two-thirds vote of the members attending a periodic Membership Meeting.
SECTION 1. PROCEDURE. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association may be dissolved at periodic membership meeting upon a two-thirds vote of all Members present provided that an announcement of such intended action is published to all Members a least three months prior to the intended act of dissolution. In the event the Association is dissolved, all assets and property shall be transferred to the 1st Marine Division Association for use as exempt from federal taxation under Section 501 (C ) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or any successor statute thereto.
SECTION 2. ALTERNATIVE DISTRIBUTION. In the event that the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association shall be dissolved, the Members, by majority vote, may distribute all assets and property, less valid outstanding debts, accounts, claims, and necessary expenses of dissolution, to designated organizations exempt from federal taxation under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or any successor statute thereto.
The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association’s annual reunion, held in concert with the 1st Marine Division Association reunion, will be in Portland, Oregon, 15-19 August 2012. Charles D. Melson, Chief Historian of the United States Marine Corps and a 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Marine will be our Reunion Guest of Honor. Essential Elements of Reunion Information are provided in this newsletter. Join your recon teammates in Portland, Oregon this year and make 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association’s Reunion 2012 one to remember! As we celebrate our reunion, know that our successors in the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion were on the battalion’s seventh successive deployment since 2003 and their second deployment to Afghanistan. Concurrently, other elements of the battalion are forward deployed with Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable). Keep these Marines and Corpsmen in your thoughts and prayers. God bless America! God bless the United States Marine Corps! God bless 1st Reconnaissance Battalion!
Semper fidelis,
Charlie Kershaw
Reunion Registration: The 1st Marine Division Association (FDMA) Reunion will be 13-19 August 2012 at the Marriott Waterfront Hotel located at 1401 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, Oregon 97201. 1st Recon Battalion Association members should register on line with the FMDA at: or use the mail in FDMA Reunion registration form included in the Patrol Report. FDMA Registration closes 15 July 2012!
Lodging: The Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel is the official reunion site for 1st Marine Division Association and 1st Recon Bn Association. Reunion accommodations are available at a rate of $113.00 + tax per night. The Marriott will offer attendees a daily parking rate of $15.00 per day. Reserve your rooms early; call the Marriott at (503) 226-7600 or (877) 901-6632 and ask for the 1st Marine Division Association Reunion rate.
Transportation. The Marriott does not provide complimentary shuttle service to/from Portland Airport. Blue Star Airport Shuttle offers airport-hotel service; for information and reservations call (503) 248-1837 or visit: The Marriott does not have RV parking; however, the Portland Fairview RV Park, located at 21401 NE Sandy Blvd, Fairview, OR 97024, provides full hook-up services and is approximately 20 minutes from the hotel. Call (877) 777-1047 for RV information, reservations and directions. The FDMA will provide bus transportation for all reunion tours. Downtown Portland has an excellent bus and light rail system.
1st Mar Div Association Events. FDMA’s Portland Reunion Committee has done a superb job planning and organizing reunion events and tours. Visit Portland area wineries, museums, and gardens, the Columbia Gorge, take a river cruise and enjoy the Reunion Banquet. Although the FDMA Reunion registration form, event information and hotel reservation forms are included in the Patrol Report, go on line to for FMDA Reunion Registration and Event forms and detailed Reunion information and a schedule of events.
1st MarDiv Registration Form
Hotel Information
1st Recon Bn Assn CP/Harbor Site: The 1st Recon Battalion Association Reunion CP and hospitality suite at the Portland Marriott Downtown will be open to reunion attendees from 15-19 August. Recon Battalion Association members and guests are requested to sign in at our hospitality suite following their arrival at the Marriott.
Volunteers. As Always, we need volunteers to help with reunion registration, raffle ticket sales, raffle and silent auction item donations, and manning/maintaining the hospitality suite. Help us make this reunion succeed- donate some of your time to 1st Recon Battalion Association.
Fund Raising. The reunion is your Association’s primary source of income. The raffle, silent auction and Hospitality Suite refreshment donations keep the Association operating through the year. Help our Association. Donate raffle and auction items, buy raffle tickets and bid generously at the silent auction.
1st Recon Battalion Association Luncheon will be Friday 17 August, from 1:00 pm -4:00 pm, at the Old Spaghetti Factory, 0715 SW Bancroft St. Portland, OR 97239. The luncheon will be buffet style and includes salad bread & roll, entrees and coffee, tea .. Any soft drinks and alcohol will be at the individual’s expense. Guests with special dietary requirements should contact Charlie Kershaw as soon as possible. The luncheon will cost $16.00 per person. Make your luncheon reservations early. RSVP to Charlie Kershaw and send your check or money order to: 1st Recon Battalion Association, c/o C. Kershaw, 2527 Unicornio Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Email or call with questions at: 760 402-8638 or RSVP for the luncheon not later than 13 August 2012.
1st Recon Bn Association General Membership Meeting and Election of Officers is Saturday 18 August at 10:00 am in our Hospitality Suite. Members will be briefed and vote on revised, updated. Association By Laws, Association support for charitable organizations assisting Marines and elect our Membership Coordinator, Chaplain, an Associate Director and the 1st MarDiv Unit Director.
The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association’s annual reunion. Auqust 16th - 20th, 2011 Click Here
Message from the President |
The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association’s annual reunion, held in concert with the 1st Marine Division Association reunion, will be in Arlington, Virginia, August 16-20. The 1st Marine Division Association has put together and impressive list of reunion events and Washington, DC area tours. Plan to attend Reunion 2011 and enjoy what promises to be a special reunion! Click Here for more Info. The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association dedicates this reunion to those Marines and Corpsmen who lost their lives while serving with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion in Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. On 18 August 2011, we will dedicate our long awaited 1st Reconnaissance Battalion memorial at the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park in Quantico, Virginia. Lt Gen W.C. “Chip” Gregson, USMC (Ret), a 1st Recon Battalion Platoon Commander, wounded in Vietnam, is our Guest of Honor. As we prepare to celebrate this reunion with team-mates and friends, know that elements of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion go in harm’s way while forward deployed with Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable). Keep these Marines and Corpsmen in your thoughts and prayers. God bless America! God bless the United States Marine Corps! God bless 1st Reconnaissance Battalion!
Semper fidelis,
Charlie Kershaw
Reunion Registration: The 1st Marine Division Association (FDMA) Reunion will be 15-20 August at Sheraton National Hotel located at 900 Orme Street, Arlington, Virginia 22204. 1st Recon Bn Association members should register on line with the FMDA at: or use the mail in FDMA Reunion registration form included in the Patrol Report. FDMA Registration closes 15 July 2011!
Lodging: The Sheraton National is the official reunion site for 1st Marine Division Association and 1st Recon Bn Association. Reunion accommodations are available at a rate of $109.00 + tax per night. Parking is $18.00 per day. Reserve your rooms early; call the Sheraton at (703) 521-1900 or (888) 627-8210 and ask for the 1st Marine Division Association reunion rate.
Transportation. The Sheraton National provides complimentary shuttle service every 30 minutes to and from Washington Reagan National Airport. The Super Shuttle offers airport-hotel service from the Dulles and Baltimore Washington Airports; call (202) 296-6662 for information and reservations. The FDMA will provide bus transportation for all reunion tours.
1st Mar Div Association Events include visits to the National Museum of the Marine Corps, the US Naval Academy, the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum at the Udvar-Hazy Center, the Marine Barracks, 8th & I Evening Parade and a Reunion Banquet. Details and registration forms are found at the 1st Marine Division Association website: A FMDA Reunion Registration and Event form is included in the Patrol Report.
1st Recon Bn Association
1st Recon Bn Assn CP/Harbor Site: The 1st Recon Battalion Association Reunion CP and hospitality suite at the Sheraton National will be open to reunion attendees from 16-20 August. Recon Battalion Association members and guests are requested to sign in at our hospitality suite following their arrival at the Sheraton National.
Volunteers. Volunteers are needed to help with reunion registration, raffle ticket sales, raffle and silent auction item donations, and manning/maintaining the hospitality suite. Help us make this reunion succeed- volunteer some of your time for your Association.
Fund Raising. The reunion is your Association’s primary source of income. Our raffle, silent auction and Hospitality Suite refreshments keep the Association operating through the year. Please donate raffle and auction items, buy raffle tickets and bid generously at the silent auction.
1st Recon Battalion Memorial Dedication and Luncheon Reception will be conducted from 12:00 pm -4:30 pm, Thursday 18 August at the National Museum of the Marine Corps and Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA. Details for these events are on the following page.
1st Recon Bn Association General Membership Meeting and Election of Officers is Friday 19 August at 1:00 pm in our Hospitality Suite. Members will vote on revised, updated. Association By Laws and elect our Association President, Historian and an Associate Director.
At 12:00 pm, 18 August 2011, the 1st Recon Battalion Association will dedicate its memorial in the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park of the National Museum of the Marine Corps. We will honor the two hundred sixty-two Marines and Corpsmen, serving with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, who gave their lives in service to their Corps and country in Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. Lt Gen W.C. “Chip” Gregson, USMC Ret. Is our Guest of Honor. The memorial ceremony in the Memorial Park chapel will include a roll call of our Marines and Corpsmen who died in combat and laying a wreath at the memorial. A luncheon reception at The Clubs on Marine Corps Base Quantico will follow the memorial ceremony. Marines and Corpsmen who served with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, Association members, family and friends of the Battalion are cordially invited to attend the memorial ceremony and reception. Event details are below.
Our thanks and gratitude to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association members and friends who generously donated to the Memorial Fund, enabling our dream to become a reality.
The Holiday Inn Dumfries-Quantico Center has earmarked 25 rooms for both Wednesday, August 17, 2011 and Thursday August 18, 2011 at a room rate of $95.00 per night, plus 10% tax. This rate is available 3 days prior and 3 days after our dates, based on availability. Make your reservations not later than July 17, 2011. To reserve your room, call the hotel direct at 703-441-9001 or Holiday Inn Central Reservations at 1-800-HOLIDAY. Reservations may be made on the website: Request Group Code RBA to ensure you receive the reunion rate. Bus Transportation. The Association has reserved a 57 passenger DC Trails bus to transport Association members and family from the Sheraton National to Quantico and return, at a cost of $20.00 per person. The bus will depart the Sheraton at 10:45 am, 18 August and will depart the reception at 4:30 pm and return to the Sheraton at about 5:30 pm.
Reception. Immediately following the ceremony, luncheon reception will be held on base from 2:00-4:30 pm, at The Clubs at Quantico. The buffet luncheon, with baked chicken, roast top round of beef, vegetables, dessert and iced tea/coffee, will cost $25.00 per person.
RSVP. Make your reservations early and inform Charlie Kershaw if you plan to ride the bus, attend the memorial ceremony and attend the luncheon. Confirm and send payment for the bus and/or the reception to Charles Kershaw, 2527 Unicornio Street Carlsbad, CA 92009. RSVP for the bus and luncheon is required not later than 1 August 2011.
 The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial is a black granite monument standing 101” high and 36” wide, mounted on a 48” x 20” base. The two hundred sixty-two Recon Marines and Corpsmen who lost their lives in combat with1st Reconnaissance Battalion will have their rank, name, age at death and home state engraved on the face of the monument. 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Commemorative Bricks will line the pathway adjacent to our memorial.
Recon Reflections Newsletter by Hugh Campbell
2010 Reunion Information
Recon Reflections Issue 1.pdf Recon Reflections Issue 2.pdf Recon Reflections Issue 3.pdf Recon Reflections Issue 4.pdf Recon Reflections Issue 5.pdf Recon Reflections Issue 6.pdf Recon Reflections MEMORIAL DAY 2010.pdf Recon Reflections Issue 7.pdf Recon Reflections KOREAN.WAR.ANNIVERSARY. Recon Reflections Issue 8.pdf
The 1st MARDIV Association Reunion will be 23-29 August at the El Tropicano Riverwalk Holiday Inn, San Antonio, Texas. Register on line with the FMDA at: or or call Armed Forces Reunions at (757) 625-6401. A mail in registration form and reunion maps are available as links to the Patrol Report. FDMA Registration closes 23 July 2010!
1st Recon Battalion Association Luncheon is a Texas BBQ, 1200 pm, Friday 27 August, at VFW Post 76, 10 Tenth St. San Antonio. The luncheon is $30.00 per person; RSVP not later than 24 Aug to Curtis Gruetzmacher 3375 Post Oak Rd Goliad, TX 77963 or
1st Recon Bn Association General Membership Meeting and Election of Officers is Saturday 28 August at 1:00 pm in our Hospitality Suite. This year, we elect the Association Vice President, Secretary/ Treasurer, and an Associate Director.
1st MarDiv Association Events include the National Museum of the Pacific, the San Antonio city tour, a marichi concert and a Reunion Banquet. Details and registration forms are found at the 1st Marine Division Association website:
Message from the President
1st Recon Bn. Association Charlie Kershaw
My thanks to the many Association members who worked to ensure the success of our 2010 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Reunion in San Antonio,Texas. Some fifty members, with family and friends, participated in the August 25-29 reunion. For many, our Texas barbeque luncheon, at VFW Post 76 on Friday, 27 August, was the highlight of the reunion. Guest of Honor Richard Botkin, a reconnaissance Marine and author of Ride the Thunder, an account of the Vietnamese Marines and their American Marine Advisors, spoke from the heart about the portrayal of the Vietnam War in the media. A special thanks to Curtis Gruetzmacher for arranging the luncheon and to “Howdy” and Rhonda Howdyshell for their work on our silent auction and raffle. Finally, a big thank you to Oscar and Gina Aldana for hosting Association members and their families at their home for dinner. Congratulations to our newly elected leaders Gary Maxam, Association Vice President, and Bill “Lurch” Laber, Associate Director, and Curtis Gruetzmacher re-electedas our Secretary/Treasurer. Our thanks and appreciation for the dedication and work of Kent Dickson and Tom Hyder, who leave the Board of Directors on completion of their terms of office. The Marines and Corpsmen of 1st Recon Battalion remain in harms way, keep them in your thoughts and prayers. God bless America! God bless the United States Marine Corps! God bless 1st Reconnaissance Battalion!
Semper fidelis,
Charlie Kershaw
2010 Reunion Group Flick 29 Aug. 2010 |
Marine Corps Museum |
| The National Museum of the Marine Corps is a lasting tribute to U.S. Marines-past, present and future.. The Museum and surrounding grounds are adjacent to Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia. The museum's design soars above the horizon and captures the image of Iwo Jima's flag raisers. The world class museum's interactive exhibits display irreplaceable historical artifacts and immerses visitors in the sights and sounds of Marines in action.
By the end of 2010, the 1st Recon Battalion Association memorial will be placed in the Semper Fidelis Memorial Garden of the National Museum of the Marine Corps. The memorial will honor the Marines and Corpsmen, serving with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, who gave their lives in service to their Corps and country during the Korean War, Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial, approved by the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, is a black granite monument standing 101 inches high and 36 inches wide, mounted on a 48 inch x 20 inch base. The two hundred sixty-two Recon Marines and Corpsmen who lost their lives in combat with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion are identified by their rank, name, age at death and home state inscribed on the face of the monument.
The 1st Marine Division Association’s 2011 reunion will be held in northern Virginia during the week of 15-20 August 2011. 1st Recon Battalion Association’s annual reunion will held in concert with the 1st Marine Division Association Reunion. However, we plan to conduct a 1st Recon memorial dedication ceremony on-site at the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park, Quantico, Virginia. Our dedication ceremony is tentatively planned for Friday afternoon, 19 August 2011; a reception will be held following the dedication ceremony. Planning for this event is ongoing. Detailed information, including ceremony and reception date and time, transportation and, for those requiring it, lodging will be provided in our spring 2011 Patrol Report and on the Association web site.
Marines and Corpsman who served with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, family members of our KIAs and friends are cordially invited to attend the memorial ceremony and reception.
Our thanks and gratitude to the one hundred five 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association members and friends who generously donated to the Memorial Fund, transforming our dream into a reality.
COMMEMORATIVE BRICKS will line the winding pathways in the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park. 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association members, family and friends are invited to donate a commemorative brick, to be placed along the pathways around our memorial, to honor or remember a reconnaissance Marine or Corpsman, living or deceased. The Association will coordinate with the Heritage Foundation, the collection of donations and inscriptions for 1st Recon commemorative bricks. Commemorative bricks may be ordered through the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association with a donation of $210.00; your engraved brick will forever attest to the honor, courage, and commitment of your Reconnaissance Marine or Corpsman.

Brick Engraving Guidelines.
Each brick can contain a total of up to three lines. Each line is 20 characters in length; a character includes all letters, punctuations and spaces. Each line must end with a complete word or name (words and names will not be hyphenated or continued on the next line). You may purchase as many bricks as you like. Examples of commemorative brick inscriptions are provided for your information.

Order your Commemorative Brick not later than 15 January 2011 and submit your contact information (name, mailing address, phone number(s), and email address) along with a check or money order and your brick inscription to the 1st Recon Battalion Association at the address below. The Heritage Foundation will provide a proof copy of each brick inscription before it is engraved. Ensure you send your contact information in case there are questions about your inscription. Thank you for your support of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial and Commemorative Bricks.
Commemorative Brick check or money order donations should be made to: 1st Recon Battalion Association. Send your contact information with your donation and brick inscription to: 1st Recon Battalion Association, c/o C. Kershaw, 2527 Unicornio Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Email or call Charlie Kershaw with brick questions at: 760 402-8638 or E-Mail
The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association’s annual reunion, held in concert with the 1st Marine Division Association reunion, will be in San Antonio, Texas, August 25-28. The 2010 Reunion is dedicated to the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Marines and Corpsmen who were in “in harms way” serving in the Republic of Vietnam in 1970.
Our Association luncheon will be a Texas barbeque, Friday, 27 August, at VFW Post 76. The Reunion Guest of Honor is Richard Botkin, a reconnaissance Marine and author of Ride the Thunder, an account of the Vietnamese Marines and their small band of American Marine Advisors. Join your recon team-mates in San Antonio this year and make Reunion 2010 one to remember!
Reunion Forms: Files are in PDF Format, Rio Cruise, Downtown Map, Metro Area Map, Streetcar Route and Reunion Hotel. As we celebrate our reunion, know that our successors in the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion are on the battalion’s sixth successive deployment since 2003 and their first deployment to Afghanistan. Concurrently, other elements of the battalion are forward deployed with Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable). Keep these Marines and Corpsmen in your thoughts and prayers. God bless America! God bless the United States Marine Corps! God bless 1st Reconnaissance Battalion!
Semper Fidelis,
Charlie Kershaw
REUNION 2010 23-29 August 2010
Reunion Registration: The 1st MARDIV Association Reunion will be 23-29 August at the El Tropicano Riverwalk Holiday Inn, San Antonio, Texas. Register on line with the FMDA at: or or call Armed Forces Reunions at (757) 625-6401. A mail in registration form and reunion maps are available as links to the Patrol Report. FDMA Registration closes 23 July 2010!
1st Recon Battalion Association members and guests should confirm that they plan to attend the reunion by emailing Curtis Gruetzmacher at: and sign in at our hospitality suite after you arrive in San Antonio.
Lodging: The El Tropicano Riverwalk Holiday Inn, 110 Lexington Ave. San Antonio, Texas 78205 is the official reunion site for 1st Marine Division Association and 1st Recon Bn Association. Reunion accommodations are available at a rate of $105.00 per night. Parking is $18.00 per day. For hotel reservations call: (210) 223-9461; ask for the 1st Marine Division Assn Reunion rate.
1st Recon Bn Assn CP/Harbor Site: The 1st Recon Battalion Association Reunion CP /hospitality suite at the El Tropicano Riverwalk will be open from 25-28 August.
Transportation. SA Trans (210 281-9900) provides airport-hotel service; tickets are sold in San Antonio baggage claim at $32.00/round trip. Reunion venues are accessible by foot, streetcar, river barge and bus; a car is not necessary to get around down town San Antonio.
Volunteers. The success of our reunion is the result of members who volunteer to help with registration, selling raffle tickets, donating raffle and auction items, the silent auction and ensuring the hospitality suite is stocked with refreshments. Our thanks and appreciation to perennial volunteers such as Doc and Linda Buehl, Curtis and Luana Gruetzmacher, Larry and Nancy Feldman, “Howdy” and Rhonda Howdyshell, Bob and Julie Morris and Kent and Ester Dickson. Help your Association and fellow members this year, be a reunion volunteer.
Fundraising. The reunion is your Association’s primary source of income. Our raffle, silent auction and Hospitality Suite refreshments keep the Association going through the year. Please donate raffle and auction items, buy lots of raffle tickets and bid generously at the silent auction.
1st Recon Battalion Association Luncheon is a Texas BBQ, 1200 pm, Friday 27 August, at VFW Post 76, 10 Tenth St. San Antonio. The luncheon is $30.00 per person; RSVP not later than 24 Aug to Curtis Gruetzmacher 3375 Post Oak Rd Goliad, TX 77963 or
1st Recon Bn Association General Membership Meeting and Election of Officers is Saturday 28 August at 1:00 pm in our Hospitality Suite. This year, we elect the Association Vice President, Secretary/ Treasurer, and an Associate Director.
1st MarDiv Association Events include the National Museum of the Pacific, the San Antonio city tour, a marichi concert and a Reunion Banquet. Details and registration forms are found at the 1st Marine Division Association website: Click here
The 1st Recon Battalion Association will place a memorial in the Semper Fidelis Memorial Garden of the National Museum of the Marine Corps honoring the two hundred sixty-two Marines and Corpsmen, serving with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, who gave their lives in service to their Corps and country during the Korean War, Vietnam War and Iraq. Our thanks and gratitude to the one hundred five 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association members and friends who generously donated to the Memorial Fund, transforming our dream into a reality.
The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Memorial is a black granite monument standing 101” high and 36” wide, mounted on a 48” x 20” base. The two hundred sixty-two Recon Marines and Corpsmen who lost their lives in combat with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion will have their rank, name, age at death and home state engraved on the face of the monument.
The replica pictured to the right was presented by the Association to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion at a March ceremony. It stands in a place of honor at the battalion command post.
The Heritage Foundation approved the design and size of our monument, and directed that it be placed in the second phase of the Semper Fidelis Memorial Garden; development of the Memorial Garden has been delayed. Dedication of our memorial may not be before early 2011. A dedication and memorial ceremony is planned on site. Association members and families will be informed in advance of the day and time of the dedication
Our Recon Reunion committee, Dave "Doc" Snider, Carole Snider, Bob Morris and Don Streeter has put together a Recon Reunion for November of 2010 that will be a little different from what we have done before. We are proposing a Caribbean Cruise to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday. Doc and Carole are taking the lead and are working with a travel agent and have found the best value for a cruise to be: November 8 - 13, 2010 Royal Caribbean 'Radiance of the Seas' - a 5-star ship Sailing out of Tampa, FL for 5 nights Attached is a flyer that outlines the itinerary. The same PDF has a second page that is a form to fill out if you want to make a reservation We are currently holding 30 cabins of various types including Balcony, Ocean View & Inside. We need to see what the interest level is fairly quickly. This pricing is only guaranteed for several months so reserve now to assure the lowest fares. The per person pricing based on double occupancy for the 5-night cruise is: Inside Cabin (Category N) $359 plus $51.19 tax Outside Cabin (Category H) $459 plus $51.19 tax Balcony Cabin (Category E3) $549 plus $51.19 tax This is an excellent price for this quality of ship. We will also continue to watch to see if a better price or military discount becomes available. If we get enough people signed up to get a free room or on-board credit, this would all be divided between the group. My wife and I are organizing this purely as volunteers. The refundable deposit for this cruise is $200 per cabin. This is 100% refundable up until the final payment date of August 30, 2010. If you want to sign up for this great cruise please contact Marcy Brown at Zenith Travel, Altamonte Springs, Florida at or (407) 862-1313 or (800) 336-5355. You can fax the enclosed form to get started. Or, give me a call at (863) 427-1394. Dave 'Doc' Snider
Cruise Flyer
(June 2009) The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Association’s annual reunion, held in tandem with the 1st Marine Division Association reunion, will be in Anaheim, California, August 26-30. The 2009 reunion is dedicated to the reconnaissance marines and corpsmen who in 1969 served in “in harms way” in the Republic of Vietnam. 1st Recon Battalion recently returned from its fifth deployment to Iraq; elements of the battalion are forward deployed with Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable) and support Marine Corps operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. This reunion affords us a unique opportunity to meet the men of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. Our Association luncheon will be held at Camp Pendleton, 28 August (details are on page 3). Lt. Colonel Michael Mooney, Commanding Officer of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion is our Guest of Honor. I encourage Association members to sponsor a recon Marine or Corpsman as your guest at the luncheon. After the luncheon, Lt Col Mooney and 1st Recon Battalion will host us at the battalion command post for a capabilities display and demonstration. Join us this year and make Reunion 2009 one to remember!
Categories within this 1st Reconnaissance Battalion website.
1st Recon Home page, My Missions in Nam (Coming soon), Photos of 1st Recon Battalion in Nam, Recon Missions the units Patrol Reports 1968-1969 (coming soon), A Summer Day in Nam - My Story (Coming soon), Recon 1 The War, Recon 2 Tet Offensive in Nam 1968, Tet Offensive in Nam 1969 (Coming soon), Recon 3 Vietnam War Timeline, Recon 4 President Richard M. Nixon's Report on Vietnam, Recon 5 1950's US send troops to Vietnam, Recon 6 The French Foreign Legion in Vietnam, Recon 7 Hill 200 my story with photos (Coming soon), Recon 8 - Maps & Artifacts - The Time Capsule (Coming soon), Recon 9 1st Recon Battalion Units photos, Recon 10 Sounds from Nam (Coming soon), Recon 11 Reunion Photos, Recon 12 Helicopters in Nam, Recon 13 1st Recon Bn. Awards & Decorations, Recon 14 Navy & Marine Corps Awards and Decorations, Recon 15 Marine Corps Awards & Decorations, Recon 16 Personal Awards & Decorations, Recon 17 Information on Unit Awards, Recon 18 The Memory Remains Not All Wounds Are Visible, Recon 19 Purple Heart (Coming soon) & Recon 20 Vietnam Footage & Memorials, Vietnam Memorials & Monuments part 2 No Man Left Behind part 1, No Man Left Behind part 2, No Man Left Behind part 3 (Coming soon) ,1st Recon Photo Gallery , 1st Recon Bn. Association Messages, 1st Marine Division Association Messages, Battles of the Vietnam War, Hamburger Hill, Vietnam 1968, Vietnam 1969, Vietnam Today, The Day The Eagle Cried, My Message Board.
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