| North High School Class of 1966
| |
Classmates Registered for the 50th Reunion
Minneapolis North High School - Class of '66 |
Click to Listen To The Music! "Good Golly, Miss Molly"
Little Richard
Last update August 28th, 2016 ~ 9:55 pm
Thanks for coming out to the Reunion!
See next time, God Willing....
Welcome to 0ur 50th Reunion
The turn-out was phenomenal....176 reservations were made.... 176 attending the reunion from 18 states in the USA and over 40 cities and towns in minnesota and one classmate attending the reunion from Mevasseret Zion, Israel (6213 miles one way) thanks for coming out to your 1st reunion Michael & Edna Guggenheimer.... I'd like to recognize all our Vietnam Vets.....We love you all. Also, it was an honor and privilege to see a former teacher Gary Parker Related Arts and tennis coach from NHS. Thank you so much for your patience and wisdom. We will observe a moment of silence at reunion for the 77 classmates who have left this world in the past 50 years...
"They came this way but once. Yet, they touched our lives in many ways while they were here. We shall remain eternally grateful for their friendship and for the influence each bestowed upon us.
When we entered our Freshman year in Sept. of 1963, the Number 1 hit song on the music charts was "My Boyfriend's Back" by The Angels, in June of '66 the Number 1 hit was "When A Man Loves A Woman" by Percy Sledge. Fast forward 50 years to 2016 the number 1 hit is "Cheap Thrills" by Sia.
How times have changed in the world of music. On a more personal note, It's my honor to be your webmaster. To be able to take you down Memory Lane for a few moments in time on the class website.... This is how it was back in 1966: a new home cost $14,200, your average parents income was $6,900 a year "maybe" and a new car cost $2,650. Do you remember Long Hair, Bell Bottoms & Mini Skirts were in. Do you remember NHS Fire Drills and can you remember our Sadie Hawkins Dance and Senior Skip Day... How times have changed.
Hats off to all of us who were born in the late 40's. We survived being born to mothers who may have smoked or drank while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes. They put us to sleep on our tummies in dangerous baby cribs. We survived colored lead-based paints. We had no child proof lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we wore baseball caps, not helmets. We rode in the car with no car seats, no booster seats, no seat belts, and no air bags.
Riding in the back of your Dad's pick-up truck on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and we shared one soft drink with four friends, and no one actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread that stuck to the roof of our mouths, real butter and bacon. We drank Kool-Aid made with white sugar. We didn't have Play Stations, Nintendos and X-boxes, and there were no video games, no cable TV, no video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms....we had neighborhood buddies and we played outside all day, and sometimes we didn't come home until the sun went down and no one worried about where we were or what we were doing. We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits. We got spankings with wooden spoons, switches, ping-pong paddles, or just a bare hand and no one called child services to report abuse. We got BB guns for our birthday and made up games with sticks and tennis balls. Little League had try-outs and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. Imagine that. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of....they actually sided with the cops. We were born before television, penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, Xerox, contact lenses, Frisbee's and the pill. There were no credit cards, laser beams or ball-point pens. Man had not invented pantyhose, air conditioners, dishwashers, clothes dryers, and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air and man hadn't yet walked on the moon. We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, electric typewriters, yogurt or guys wearing earrings. Pizza Hut, McDonald's and instant coffee were unheard of. We had 5 & 10-cent stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents. Ice-cream cones, phone calls, and soda pop were all a nickel. Our generation produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever.
These days we're called senior citizens, old fogies, and geezers. We walk a little slower and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were. We are the "over the hill" gang. We remember the days of telephone party lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk being delivered to our home. We were so lucky to be raised in the 50's. The most important things you looked forward to were the Friday afternoon pep rally, the game and the after game dance. We had our own dance band that played for us. We didn't need limos, tuxedos, or expensive gowns to make those dances special. The guys spent hours washing and cleaning their cars, while the gals washed and set their own hair in brush rollers, and sat under a plastic bonnet connected to a portable hair dryer that had a hose connected to a little machine that put out enough heat to burn your neck. Our special dates included a corsage or boutonniere made of carnations, and most of us didn't even know how or where to pin them. Thank goodness your mom was home to help, and if you were lucky, the family's Brownie camera had film and a flashbulb so she could take your picture which was the only picture you had of that special time. Most of us didn't have our own car, but somehow we managed. We got our learner's permit at age 15 1/2 and could hardly wait to finish driver's training so we could get our license at 16. I can't remember my folks talking about their insurance rates going sky-high when I started driving..gosh, I wonder if they even had insurance. We were really lucky to live in Minneapolis in the 60's. We were guaranteed a summer job back in the 60's and you could make enough money to buy school clothes for the next year.
Some of us had after school jobs at the corner gas station, Helen's Cafe, Merwin Drug or local coffee shop. Somehow we managed school, work, sports, and extra-curricular activities. Some of us still walked to high school. We saw nothing wrong with that, unless your friend had a car or could borrow one. We went to the library to study after school and research special reports using the Encyclopedia Britannica. Life was simple, but so much fun. School lunch was 35 cents or you could eat in the a la carte line where you could get a big scoop of mashed potatoes with hamburger gravy, a lettuce salad with thousand island dressing, and a fresh bakery dinner roll. For dessert, there was raised glazed donuts and maple bars or an orange juice or lemonade. If you were brave enough to eat at the High School. Do you remember Sputnik bubble gum? It was a bright blue gum ball rolled in sparkling sugar. I guess we thought we were chewing something special from outer space.
Those who could walk fast, and eat even faster, could go home to eat, or eat at The Clock or Woolworth's lunch counter. The girls wore dresses, or skirts and blouses and the guys had to wear shirts, no t-shirts. We actually looked decent and would never have considered wearing anything that was cut low or too short. In my Senior year I had perfect attendance. I can't tell you how often I dragged myself to school, sick as a dog, so I could have perfect attendance. We all knew the words to the "Star Spangled Banner", "America" and "America the Beautiful" by heart. My English teacher, Mr. Johnson, even had me write the Star Spangled Banner. It was hard to sing that song silently in your head. No one got that assignment correct. North High School was a school we were proud of. We had great teachers and mentors. We were in good hands at North High School and our life successes began there. Those who served in the US Military in Vietnam from the class of '66, let's give them a big hand this weekend • Anyone at this reunion who has all their natural teeth and who weighs the same as they did in high school I'll give you a big hand this weekend • Anyone attending a class reunion for the first time thanks for coming out • Anyone who married their high school sweetheart thanks for coming out to the 50th reunion • And anyone who should have married their high school sweetheart thanks for coming out • The reunion committee worked really hard on this reunion. Thanks for all the hard work, Terry & Penny Tompkins, Davidene Walensky-Weinberg, Kathy Pemberton-Heikke, Carol Pagel-Haider, David Haider, Mary Rivers-Smith, Ron Hunter, Susan Wehr, Linda Ruggles, Pennie Schmitzer-Shapiro, William "Billy" Binder & Ron Jones. Thank You for the great reunion..... And thanks for bringing the class of '66 back to a happier time with all the displays, memory boards and table decorations. The Committee has been working on this event since 2014. I'd like to extend a special thanks to Terry Tompkins & Carol Pagel-Haider for all the hard work over the last two years. And to all my classmates, who were unable to attend, maybe I'll see you at the next reunion, God Willing... Please check out the class of '66 web site.You can link the site at: www.nhs66.com and enjoy all the postings. All of the 50th reunion photos will be on the site soon for those unable to attend... And thanks to all who signed up on the Class Facebook page.
It's My Honor to be Your Webmaster,
Floyd Ruggles
What Makes North High School Great!
"All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today"
Webmaster |
The Class of '66
Until we meet Again Polars!
If you have any questions or comments regarding the website, please contact: floyd@weststpaulantiques.com
Then & Now
North High School
Class of 1966
Click to enlarge photos...
David Abrams 2011 |
| Abrams, Dave
Darlene & Pat Moga 2011 |
| Anderson-Moga, Darlene & Pat
Jeffrey & Betty 2011 |
| Ansel, Jeff & Betty
Jack Appleman 2010 |
| Appleman, Jack
Donald Baltus 2011 |
| Baltus, Donald
Janice (Bell) Schmidt 2011 |
| Bell-Schmidt, Janice
Tilman & Marsha Bergman 2011 |
| Bergman, Tilman & Marsha (Johnson)
Jo Barney 1991 |
| Broadfoot-Barney, Jo Dean "Jo" & Stan
Class webpage
James |
James Bukstein 2015 |
| Bukstein, James & Marlene (Goldstein)
Colleen & Robert 2015 |
| Chell-Dutcher, Colleen & Robert
Lynn & Ray 2011 |
Joanne Peterson 2015 |
| Cullinan-Peterson, Joanne
Jackie DeFer |
Jackie & Dave 2015 |
| DeFer-Jorde, Jackie & Dave
Dave did attend North High School for 10th grade and then moved and graduated in 1965 from Osseo High School.
Mary Earley Oliver 2011 |
| Earley-Oliver, Mary
Paul & Jennifer 2011 |
| Ellis, Paul
Gail Rager 2015 |
| Farrand-Rager, Gail
Les Fursetzer 2015 |
| Fursetzer, Les
Due to car and health issues, Les will not be coming to the 50th reunion.
Class webpage
Judi & Lee 2011 |
| Gabrielson-Kampinen, Judi & Lee (NHS '65)
Malene Goldstein |
Malene & James Bukstein 2011 |
| Goldstein-Bukstein, Marlene & James
Class webpage
Bob Griffin 2014 |
| Griffin, Bob "Dr Bob" & Teresa
Nancy & Julius 2011 |
| Gripp-Dorweiler, Nancy & Julius
Class webpage
Michael Guggenheimer |
Michael & Edna 2014 |
| Guggenheimer, Michael & Edna
Class webpage
Ron & Renee 2011 |
| Hunter, Ron & Renee and Larry Clark
Class webpage
Harry Jacobs 2011 |
| Jacobs, Harry
Jean Janlkowski Olson 2015 |
| Janikowski-Olson, Jean & David
Class webpage
Tom Jatko 2011 |
| Jatko, Tom
Jill Jensen |
Jill Jensen 2011 |
| Jensen-Gilbert, Jill
Marsha Bergman 2001 |
| Johnson-Bergman, Marsha & Tilman
Michael & Kathy 2000 |
| Johnson, Michael & Kathy (Rasmussen)
Class webpage
Ronald Jones |
Ronald Jones 2011 |
| Jones, Ronald
Fred Knight 2015 |
| Knight, Fred
Kathy Kukar Samson 2016 |
| Kukar-Samson, Kathleen "Kathy"
Gary Lehmeyer |
Gary & Sharon 2011 |
| Lehmeyer, Gary & Sharon
Class webpage
Ruth Lidstrom Petersen 2014 |
| Lidstrom-Petersen, Ruth
Class webpage
Daryl Lynn 1991 |
| Lynn, Daryl
Harold Malisow 2011 |
| Malisow, Harold
Linda Margolis 2011 |
| Margolis-Brody-Ettedgui, Linda
James Markson 2011 |
| Markson, James
Jan Mattson Ceminsky 2016 |
| Mattson-Ceminsky, Janet
Barbara McGee 2011 |
| McGee, Barbara "Barb"
Pam Mckinney 1991 |
| McKinney, Pamela "Pam"
Michael Milgrom |
Michael Milgrom 2015 |
| Milgrom, Michael
Class webpage
| Moxley-Lundquist, Mary & Gregory
Linda Ryan 2011 |
| Nelson-Ryan, Linda
Kathy O'Day 2015 |
| O'Day, Kathy
Gary Parker 1966 |
| Parker, Gary
1966 North High Teacher, Related Arts and Play Production. He was the Auditorium Committee, Auditoriums, The Drama Club Advisor & Tennis Coach.
NHS Theater Arts Teacher and Advisor from 1963-1967.
A graduate of the University of Minnesota, with a B.A. and B.S. degrees.
Parker's Home Room 101 & 104 Mr Parker's email: gap@parkerarts.net
Julianna |
Davidene & Julianna 2011 |
| Porrazzo-Ray, Julianna
Class Webpage
Dennis & Jean Pryde 2011 |
| Pryde, Dennis & Jean
Michael & Kathy 2000 |
| Rasmussen-Johnson, Kathy & Michael
Class webpage
Gloria Reese 2011 |
| Reese, Gloria & Steven Cumming
Mary Smith 2011 |
| Rivers-Smith, Mary
Carol Glime 2011 |
| Rucke-Glime, Carol
Floyd Ruggles |
Floyd & Linda 2012 |
| Ruggles, Floyd & Linda
Class webpage
Ray Saatela 2015 |
| Saatela, Ray & Lynn (Christofferson)
Pennie Schmitzer |
Pennie Shapiro 2015 |
| Schmitzer-Shapiro, Pennie
Class webpage
Robert Spandel |
Bob & Susan 2011 |
| Spandel, Robert "Bob" & Susan
Steven & Mary Sudduth 2016 |
| Sudduth, Stephen "Steven" & Mary
Jerry Tobler |
Jerry & Janice Tobler 2016 |
| Tobler, Gerald "Jerry" & Janice
Class webpage
Tony and Terry 2016 |
| Tompkins, Anthony "Tony" (NHS '64)
1964 Yearbook
Davidene Weinberg 2014 |
| Walensky-Weinberg, Davidene & Gary (NHS '63)
Patteen & Bob 2014 |
| Weber-McAnally, Patteen & Bob Luhman
Class webpage
Susan Wehr 2015 |
| Wehr, Susan
Duane & Marilynn 2014 |
| Wolk-Paulson, Marilyn
North High School Class of 1966
50th Reunion
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
August 26th, 27th & 28th, 2016
This is one you don't want to miss!
Click to Listen To The Music!
"Let It Be Live" Paul McCartney
Classmates Registered for the 50th Reunion
Abrams, David
Allen, Scott
Anderson-Moga, Darlene & Pat
Ansel, Jeff *& Betty
Appleman, Jack
Baltus, Donald
Barnett, Steve
Bell-Schmidt, Janice
Bergman, Tilman & Marsha (Johnson)
Binder, Billy
Broadfoot-Barney, Jo & Stan
Buckney-Johnson, Roberta
Bukstein, James & Marlene (Goldstein)
Carlson-Steiger, Darlene & Janet Southerlan
Chell-Dutcher, Colleen & Robert
Christofferson-Saatela, Lynn, Ray & Barb Jarosak Laroen NHS class of '67.
Cullinan-Peterson, Joanne
DeFel-Jorde, Jackie & Dave*
DeMars, Tom
Duenow-Fischer, Pamela "Pam" & Craig
Earley-Oliver, Mary
Ellis, Paul
Erickson-Lisiecki, Candy
Farrand-Rager, Gail
Fontaine, Larry & Joetta
Frank, Harvey
Fursetzer, Les* Due to car and health issues, Les will not be coming to the 50th reunion
Gabrielson, Judi & Lee Kampinen (NHS '65)
Gagnon-Landis, Gayle & Gary
Goldstein-Bukstein, Marlene & James
Gormally, Jim *
Greenstein-Page, Rachel
Griffin, Bob & Teresa
Gripp-Dorweiler, Nancy & Julius
Guggenheimer, Michael & Edna
Hansen, Carolyn "Kit"
Hart-Bahneman, Mary
Hinrichs-Stevens, Dorothy
Holley, Frank
Hunter, Ron*, Renee & Larry Clark
Jensen-Gilbert, Jill
Jacobs, Harry
Janikowski-Olson, Jean & David
Jatko, Tom
Jeub, Linda
Johnsen, Ken & Becky Komarek
Johnson-Bergman, Marsha & Tilman
Johnson, Michael & Kathy (Rasmussen)
Jones, Ron
Kirk-Johnson, Betty
Kleven-Willow, Sandy
Knight, Fred
Kobow, Chuck & Bonnie
Kukar-Samson, Kathy
Laferriere, Bernard
Larson, Richard "Rick"
Lazarus-Greene, Abbie
Lee, Bill* & Suzanne
Legg, David
Lehmeyer, Gary & Sharon
Leines, Brian
Lidstrom-Petersen, Ruth
Lofstrand, Roger
Lucas-Arntsen, Sandra & Keith
Lynn, Daryl
Mailisow, Harold
Manuel, Dan
Margolis-Ettedgui, Linda
Mark-Moss, Louise
Markson, James
Mattson-Ceminsky, Janet "Jan"
McGee, Barb
McKinney, Pamela "Pam"
Merchant-Lehtinen, Donna
Milgrom, Michael
Morrow, Roy
Nelson, Donald & Julia
Nelson, Gene
Nelson-Ryan, Linda
O'Day, Kathy
Odegaard, Dan & Mary Jo
Pagel-Haider, Carol & David
Parker, Gary 1966 NHS Teacher, Related Arts, Play Production & Tennis Coach.
Pemberton-Heikke, Kathy
Perez, Amalio & Judith
Petersen-Meyer, Sandra
Porrazzo-Ray, Julianna
Prass-Jones, Joanne
Pruchnik-Sanders, Linda
Pryde, Dennis* & Jean
Quam-Saice, Bonnie*
Rank, Elliot & Rene
Rasmussen-Johnson, Kathy & Mike
Rau-West, Barbara
Reese, Gloria
Rivers-Smith, Mary
Roberg-Kempke, Linda
Rodriquez, Dan*
Rosen, Gary Stuart
Rothman, Gidalia
Royce, Cheryl
Rozycki-Guntzel, Rosemary
Rucke-Glime, Carol*
Ruggles, Floyd* & Linda
Saatela, Ray* & Lynn (Christofferson)
Sadoff, Howard & Judith
Schmitzer-Shapiro, Pennie
Schuetzler, Mark & Georgia
Smith, Bonnie
Smith, Murray
Sopoci, Steven
Spalle, Leota
Spandel, Robert "Bob" & Susan
Stay, Kenneth* & Ruth
Sudduth, Steve & Mary
Thibodeaux, Marion
Thompson-Holmbo, Candace & Gary
Tobler, Gerald "Jerry" & Janice
Tompkins, Terry & Penny
Tompkins, Tony* (NHS '64)
Torgerson, Ron
Trasamar-Lange, Paula
Walensky-Weinberg, Davidene & Gary (NHS '63)
Weber-McAnally, Patteen & Bob Luhman
Wehr, Susan
Welch, Alan "Al" & Peggy
Whalen, Michael
Wirth-Weaver, Mary
Wolk-Paulson, Marilyn
Younge, Roland & Anna
Zierden-Houck, Mary Anne & Garry
* North High School Classmates of 1966 Involved in the Vietnam War.
This is an open Invitation to all classmates of Minneapolis North High School Class of 1966 who had an Involvement in the Vietnam War.
Please If you have questions regarding this I look forward to hearing from you soon. I don't want to miss anyone so let me know if you want to be on this display.
I look forward to seeing you at the 50th reunion God Willing....
I have put together a storyboard on our class/classmates involvement in the WAR. Thanks for all your help with all the photos/stories of your involvement there and I look forward to getting even more..
The storyboard will be on Display at the 50th Reunion August 27TH, 2016.
Thank you for your help. / time / assistance / support you’ve given me.
Photos of the storyboard will be on the class website August 30th, 2016.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
Floyd Ruggles
Any questions, contact me 24/7 Thank You..
Thanks for the e-Mail Steve... Steve Friedell will not be at this Reunion, will see him at the next one God Willing...
August 2016
Hi Floyd, how are you? Just a little update. Diane and I are both sorry we weren't able to make the "50th" Reunion. We were back in town last weekend (8/20) for my youngest son's wedding. Unfortunately we were not able to extend it out any further. We live in Las Vegas . I hope there were a lot of pictures taken that will be posted on here. It'd be great to see some of the classmates again. I'm not sure who might see this, but FYI,we both stayed in music,in fact Diane has a Live jazz CD she released just last month,called Diane Witherspoon Live. It can be purchased online at,CD Baby or contact her on Facebook. I've done some recording, but I don't have any solo CD's out. I did get to sing at my son's wedding. We both are slowing down on performance singing. . God bless all the remaining Class of 66 with, health, peace, prosperity, joy and His Grace! Duane Witherspoon
August 28th, 2016
Sorry you and Diane missed the 50th reunion.. The turn-out was phenomenal
176 reservations were made Over 176 attending the reunion. I'll post photos on the class website this week... See you at the next reunion... God Willing!
August 28th, 2016
Duane Witherspoon
Glad to hear it went great. Maybe next time. Only God knows, but like you said if He's willing! I'll be watching for the pictures.
Class of 1966
Gather round friends and give me your ear, Cause I've got something I want you to hear.
North High School Class of 1966 50th Reunion August 26th, 27th & 28th, 2016 This is one you don't want to miss!
Dan Grise |
Tamarak August 26th, 2016 (Music begins at 8:30pm) Class of '66 Reunion Weekend |
David Millett |
Allen Lerold |
| An Open Invitation for all interested parties to meet at the
Richfield American Legion Post 435
6501 Portland Avenue South, Richfield, Mn
For the American Legion Web Site. You will enjoy the music of Tamarak! Click Here
for more on NHS Class of '66 Reunion Weekend
Curt Jones |
North High Class of ’66
"50 Year" Reunion News ………
Day 1: Friday, August 26, 2016: Richfield American Legion 65th & Portland Ave. S.
Options for everyone: casual conversation in reserved room starts at 5 pm; music & dancing in club area at 8 pm (“Tamarak”)
Day 2: Saturday, August 27, 2016: Bloomington DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton
Highways 494 & 100 Bloomington, MN (site of prior reunion)
Great conversation before and after dinner; cash bar available; brief program; classmate memorial; etc.
For more information visit the Class of 66 fabulous website at: www.nhs66.com
Contact us for details… to register… or to share information helpful in locating classmates…
Terry Tompkins (612-922-9448) Carol Pagel-Haider (612-788-1700)
4536 Drew Avenue South 2338 Roosevelt Street N.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55410 Minneapolis, MN 55418
tpdrewcrew@gmail.com dhaider@isd.net
Floyd Ruggles (651-777-5605)
2453 Cowern Place East
North St. Paul, MN 55109
Saturday’s Main Event: Reception begins at 5:00 PM Dinner served at 7:00 PM
Dinner Entree choices…………….
Choice 1: Herb Roasted Chicken and Tarragon Au Jus, with Roasted Golden Potato; or
Choice 2: Seared Atlantic Salmon with tomato basil relish and Wild Rice Sauté
Dinner served with salad, seasonal vegetables, potato, rolls, dessert & beverage.
On request, a vegetarian alternative may be available.
For accommodations at the DoubleTree: contact the reservation line at 1-800-222-TREE
Or call the hotel’s direct number: 952-835-7800. A small block of rooms is available at $89 per night plus tax.
Book your room today!
Door Prizes gratefully accepted
Cut or Copy and mail back ASP:
Early registration requested ASAP……… but please, finalize by August 10th, 2016
Make all checks payable to: "NHS Class of ‘66" .... then complete and mail this form to:
Terry Tompkins at 4536 Drew Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55410
_____ (#) of graduates / guests attending at $50 each ….. $___________ (total included)
Grad menu choice # _____ Guest menu choice # _____
Grad / Guest Name(s): ___________________________________________________________
Special Request: On the back of this form, please list all of the jobs you have had since graduation, no matter what you did or how long you did it. Who had which jobs will not be identified. Instead, a list of jobs held by our whole class will be compiled as a way of highlighting the contributions made by our class, the “Working Class of 66”, over the past 50 years. Thanks!
"If you have never attended a reunion, we encourage you to come to this one and create a "fond memory" for yourself. We guarantee you'll be glad you did!!"
NHS Class of 66 Reunion Committee
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Door Prizes gratefully accepted: Please contact either Terry or Carol to arrange... |